Lost and Found
This morning Dave and I had the scare of a lifetime...even topping the time we lost the envelope with ALL the cash, checks, and gift cards we got for our wedding. (Don't worry, we found that too) Anyway, we were outside this morning, Dave was doing yardwork and I was cleaning out the car. JAxon was flitting between the two of us, and also playing with our neighbors grandson. Well, our neighbors left for the lake, and about a minute later, Dave came into the garage. He asked where Jaxon was, and I said I had thought that he was with Dave, so at that moment, our hearts dropped, and the search began. Dave started running up and down the street, and I ran inside and checked every possible nook and cranny, toilets, closets, dishwasher, EVERYWHERE. I had no luck and ran outside in tears, and near hysterics, and could not find Dave. That meant he had expanded his search in the neighborhood and still had not found Jaxon. I said a very short and urgent prayer and went back inside to look again. While I was looking I kept thinking about our neighbors leaving...but I knew Jaxon wasn't run over by their truck or boat, we would have seen it. And I knew he couldn't have stowed away in the boat or truck. About 5 minutes had passed by this time, and 5 minutes is like an eternity when you have lost a child. I went outside and had a thought...they have a ton of toys in their garage for their grandson...I knocked on the garage door and yelled Jaxon name, and I heard a happy little voice call back to me! I was thrilled to have found Jaxon, but he was STUCK in our neighbors garage. We tried all their doors and windows (very neighborly, I know!) and then I remembered I had his business card with a cell phone number. We got ahold of Tex, who said a few very colorful words (I think out of concern and not anger...he really is quite nice) right before they turned onto the winding lake roads. About 15 minutes later, they were back to open the garage, and Jaxon had been happily playing in a toy airplane in the dark the whole time. Totally unphased, not scared in the least. All's well that ends well, but I hope I never live to feel that feeling again.
The Ring Bearers...
Jaxon started this summer's swim lessons on Monday, and in 3 days has made CRAZY progress! He loves to be in the water...but on his own terms, so I was a little worried. My worries were unfounded... he already knew "Miss Malia" (best-bud Brailyn's mommy, and swim teacher extraordinaire!) so he feels pretty comfortable. I'm also not in the pool this year, so there is obviously less " cry and mommy will save me." Really, his only complaint is that the water is still a little cold, and he has about -3% body fat. The weather here has been unseasonably cool ( I AM NOT NOT NOT COMPLAINING) but for the 1/2 hour of swim lessons, Jaxon's skinny little body shakes and shivers! Everytime Jaxon does something "cheerworthy" he comes up for air and asks if the dogs were watching...he really loves dogs! The best part of lessons you ask? Aside from "diving for his ring," at the end Jaxon and Brailyn wrap up snugly in their towels, and cheer on Pearl, the dog who loves to jump in the pool after a tennis ball.

Mirror Mirror on the wall...
"Who's the sweetest of them all???"
The answer is Dave, and although you probably cannot even tell what this picture is of...it's the best I could do. Dave wrote this note to me on the mirror this past weekend, after my big week.
It said-
"Congratulations on your wonderful week! You are a great example of following your dreams and working hard. I am SO proud of you and I love you!"
Isnt that the sweetest thing ever???
Fantastic Saturday!
Our Memorial Day weekend has started out fantastically. Saturday was rainy again, so our only two responsibilities…doing our and my parents lawns, had to be postponed! We had a leisurely breakfast and then headed to the temple to see the Christus. Jaxon always loves that, and also loves to play on the temple grounds. Let’s be honest, a day out and about WITH dad is great no matter what. Then we headed over to the Mesa Children’s Museum because Malia and Brailyn posted such cute pictures on their blog. Again we had such a fun time! We played for about an hour and a half, and then we went to “Grandma’s Kitchen” for lunch. It wasn’t bad, but it doesn’t hold a candle to Crackers and Co. which is pretty similar! Jaxon had a nice long nap, and I was able to get ready to go to the wedding reception of a friend of Dave’s from HS. After the reception we went to a fun dinner at Oregano’s (YUM!!!! Pablo Picasso Salad!!!) with 3 of Dave’s best friends from HS and their wives. It was so great to go out with only adults and just have a fun time. Most of the night was spent laughing and reminiscing and we left only when Oregano’s was shutting down
My boys
Dave and Jaxon "playing sushi" Jaxon was pretty ticked that he couldn't make the chopsticks work like Dave!

My boys
looking at the fountains
Can you tell Dave loves being Jaxon's dad?
Grilling, just like DADDY!
The token picture with mom, where Jaxon is ALWAYS trying to get away!
Dave and Jaxon "playing sushi" Jaxon was pretty ticked that he couldn't make the chopsticks work like Dave!
Jaxon and Daddy "jumping for Joy"...doesn't Jaxon looked...over-joyed???
Let the Punishment fit the crime!
Well, here we are with a willfull two-year old. I think this is is first act of really doing something naughty knowing full well he would be caught and punished. The crayon on the tile was not a really huge deal, just the fact that he did it. So, here are some pictures of Jaxon scrubbing the purple crayon off the tile...which for some reason I think is so dang cute! Also some pictures of the time he spent in time out (for the record...he only has to SIT on the rug...laying down and crying are his OWN additions!)
Favorite quotes from the experience:
(After scrubbing for 2 seconds) "It's not working Mommy!"
"I can't do it myself. I NEED HELP!"
"I'm sorry Mommy!....no more clean up??"
Scrubbing diligently
Favorite quotes from the experience:
(After scrubbing for 2 seconds) "It's not working Mommy!"
"I can't do it myself. I NEED HELP!"
"I'm sorry Mommy!....no more clean up??"
Scrubbing diligently
Still scrubbing... Time out on the rug
His lips get really big and puffed out when he cries, it's darling!
Cute little Ditty...
When Dave was in seminary, he learned a cute little rhyme to help him remember the first presidency and Q12 in order of seniority. Today I got this little song emailed to me from my dad, and thought it was pretty cute. Jaxon was in here when I was listening and begged for me to play it again and again. I think I will memorize it and sing it to him at night. I think it would also be great for seminary and YM/YW to learn! (Remember to scroll down and pause my awesome music before you play this!)
What to do inside?
Rainy days are B-O-R-I-N-G!!! Jaxon and I hung around the house today after all our fun plans got cancelled due to the rain. This is what we did for a good 30 minutes. Jaxon trying on and trying to walk in a couple of pairs of my shoes. Later Marie and Jack came over and saved us from the dulldrums (is that how it is spelled?) I also taught again this morning, SUPER FUN!
PS- Dave, this proves that Jaxon and I do not (YET) wear the same shoe size!

Don't you just love those Knocked-knees and shoes on the wrong feet?!?!
PS- Dave, this proves that Jaxon and I do not (YET) wear the same shoe size!
Don't you just love those Knocked-knees and shoes on the wrong feet?!?!
How could I forget???
THANK YOU!!! THANK YOU!!!! THANK YOU!!! To "Bamma Rowshers" for extending her stay with us. Dave's parents came to visit for the weekend (which is great enough) but Mom Rogers agreed to stay a few days for many reasons.
In staying she:
~Sealed her position as one of Jaxon's all time favorites
~ Got to go with me a to a Scrappin' Sampler at Scrapbooks Etc.
~ Babysat while I went to a card class with my mom
~ Helped clean the house in a way that only the skills of Mom Rogers can do (she always brings her rubber gloves and asks to be put to work!)
~ Got to attend my first aqua class
~ Did I mention she stole Jaxon's heart?
My mother in law is probably the kindest and sweetest person I know, and I AM NOT just saying that. It is always a blessing to have her here, no matter how long.

Here are a few of Bamma and Jaxon reading his new favorite book that they brought him- "Elmo Visits the Doctor"
In staying she:
~Sealed her position as one of Jaxon's all time favorites
~ Got to go with me a to a Scrappin' Sampler at Scrapbooks Etc.
~ Babysat while I went to a card class with my mom
~ Helped clean the house in a way that only the skills of Mom Rogers can do (she always brings her rubber gloves and asks to be put to work!)
~ Got to attend my first aqua class
~ Did I mention she stole Jaxon's heart?
My mother in law is probably the kindest and sweetest person I know, and I AM NOT just saying that. It is always a blessing to have her here, no matter how long.
Here are a few of Bamma and Jaxon reading his new favorite book that they brought him- "Elmo Visits the Doctor"
The blues...

I am sitting here looking out the window at the (blissfully cool) dreary rain, listening to my new mellow songs on the blog (number 2 is SO beautiful, but too sad to be my leadout song, I recommend listening to it!), and lamenting the loss of David Archelleta (who last night I dreamed was my boyfriend. In the dream I was 27 and he was 17, so we had to keep it under wraps until he came of age. The best part? He was just as sweet as a boyfriend as he was on AI) Don't worry I already told Dave all about it...and in my defense, I was not married in my dream...I don't think...
anyways, I'm feeling the blues a little, ah well, how could we appreciate the sunshine if we didn't have some clouds along the way...
Boo David Cook, Yeah Jaxon!
The older Jaxon gets, the more I like him! Does that make sense? I always loved the daylights out of him, but he just gets fun-er and funnier as the days pass. I just had to upload these cute ones of him during the American Idol Finale (I think the title of my blog states my feelings on that matter...) anyway, everytime the crowd would go wild, so would Jaxon...hence the blurry shots. But how cute is my boy when he really smiles? AHHHHH he melts my heart.
(Today I was talking on the phone in the car, and he started singing in the backseat. As he get progressively louder and louder, to the point I could no longer hear the person on the other line, I realized this was his song, "I WANT MY MOMMY BACK! YEAH! I WANT MY MOMMY BACK!" )

I'm done! I finished teaching my first aqua class, what a relief! I think it went really well, and the people who came all had nice things to say...but of course I'm sure they felt they had too...but that's beside the point! It's probably a little vain to include a picture with lots of thumbs up, insinuating that I got a thumbs up from all involved, but I'm just THAT HAPPY that I didn't pass out, fall in the pool, or have to drown myself from embarrassment!
A HUGE HUGE THANKS TO Mom, Mom-in-law, Marie, Brandis, Nedra, Christi, Kate, Terol, and Liz for coming and supporting me! Seriously! It was sooo sooo soooo comforting to see familiar smiling faces, and you have no idea how much it meant to me!!! You are welcome back anytime!!!
Something interesting that happened---after class I was asking the regulars their names so I can start learning them, and one man told me to call him "Butthead" and refused to tell me his real name. The other teacher told me later that is real name is Robert, and that usually he will bellow and loud "OOOOOOGAAAAAA" from the pool while you are teaching! Imagine a 300+ pound man with a huge beard ( he is Santa-esque...) doing Aqua and yelling from the pool,...its a great time!!!
I know this aqua thing has been a hot topic of mine on the blog, and many may say, what the heck for? But, some people dream big and want to feed the hungry, or climb Mount Everest as a life goal, but one of mine has always been to be in good enough shape to teach aerobics...as far as life dreams goes it may be a little lack-luster, but none-the-less, it is one of mine. So please bear with me as I talk about it, because honestly, I feel like it is one of the best accomplishments of my life. Thank you, I will now get off my soap box!

That's right, the mysterious yellow food was watermelon! I was just as surprised as you undoubtedly are right now, when I cut this baby open. I bought it at the Ranch Market, and picked it because I heard striped watermelons are sweeter, and to pick one that "feels heavy for it's size" Anyway.... as far as I know, there was no sign or indication that I was not buying an oridinary watermelon! It was quite the surprise when Dave cut it open, and after a little internet search, we found that yellow watermelons are totally normal, just not as popular as their pink-fleshed cousins! They are actually supposed to be sweeter with a slight honey taste ( I didn't taste the honey, but it was REALLY SWEET!) I think I am going to go back tomorrow to look for another one...I wonder if the Ranch Market even knows they are yellow...sometimes I wonder about that place...
Happy (belated) Mother's Day!!!
Can you guess what Dave got me as a belated (accidentally) Mother's Day gift?

Dave gets me flowers a couple times a year because even though they are too expensive, he knows I love them. These beauties showed up on our doorstep on Friday, because Dave got the date of Mother's day a little mixed up! (He orders all my flowers ahead of time online...) I thought it was great... It was like celebrating twice! Thanks sweety, I LOVE THEM!!!!

What is It????
NKOTB, back with a vengence!!

I have never been more embarrassed for a crazed, screaming, out of control, group of 30+ women as I was this morning. The newly reunited New Kids On the Block were on the Today Show, and they have one of their biggest crowds in history. There were women who came 3 days early and camped out in the rain, to make sure they would be up front and be able to touch the group. I would say 98 out of 100 people there (in the 1000's) were 30+ women, who were waving homemade signs, crying, screaming, and frantically reaching their hands out to get mere touch from one of "the kids." They did a medley of their old stuff, and I am embarrassed to admit, that not only did I recognize it ALL ( including the ridiculous dance moves that they brought back) I ALSO ENJOYED IT!!! What does that say about me? Then they performed one of their new songs...not so crazy about it. Once you strip away the pre-teen nostalgia and day dreams, they were just a sad group of older men trying to make it as a boy band. I have added it as the first song in my playlist so you can all decide for yourselves!
Looking at the moon and building a testimony

These pictures are what I found outside last night while Dave was grilling dinner. He yelled,"Ashley, come look!" And then Jaxon also yelled, "Ashley, come look!" Jaxon is a BIG FAN of the moon, and he told Dave that they were going to lay down and look at it. I didn't even have them pose for the pointing one, the moon had gone behind a cloud and just come out again.
Next, Jaxon is cracking me up daily with his interpretations of the things we say. I guess we just take for granted that he will know what we are talking about... Case in point... during Jaxon's prayers we give him a few lead words and let him finish the sentence (I know I know...vain repetitions, but we have to start some where) so one of our leads is, "help me to build a..." and he fills in "testimony" well last night it was my turn to help and I gave him that lead and he said "SHIP!" Dave hid his face to hide his laughter, and I had to give him credit because he loves watching Nephi's Journey to the Promise Land.
So I said, "AND build a ..."
me: "test...."
Jaxon: "SHIP!"
me: "testimo..."
(Dave of course cannot control his laughter at this point so we end the prayer)
Well today I was cutting fruit and veggies in the kitchen and Jaxon came running in and yelled,
"MOMMY COME QUICK!!! Come helpee build a testimony!" and he had one of his blocks in his hand. I had to laugh. So we went into the other room and I asked, "What does a testimony look like" and he said, "You build it! I knockee over!"
Again, we are trying awfully hard and getting some strange results!
Just a reminder...
This Tues. will be my first time teaching Aqua! I will be team teaching with two other ladies, and it should be fun! Anyone who wants to come ( I would LOVE to have a lot of familiar names and faces in the pool!) just let me know and I will get you a pass. I would also love to have lots of people for my video (date to come shortly) and my first class without team teaching (probably in 3 weeks) so if Tues. doesn't work, don't give up on me!!!
(PS- when I am videotaped it is from a camera mounted on the ceiling. No one in the pool will even be in the video except maybe the tippy top of your head if you jump up...so no getting out of it because you camera shy/bathing suit shy)
(PSS- I welcome the following : Water socks, fancy swim caps, and large loud flowers on said swim caps...BRING IT ON!!!)
(PS- when I am videotaped it is from a camera mounted on the ceiling. No one in the pool will even be in the video except maybe the tippy top of your head if you jump up...so no getting out of it because you camera shy/bathing suit shy)
(PSS- I welcome the following : Water socks, fancy swim caps, and large loud flowers on said swim caps...BRING IT ON!!!)
A Conversation...
Mommy: Jaxon, do you love Jesus?
Jaxon: Yes Mommy!
Mommy: Does Jesus help us?
Jaxon: NO MOMMY! Fire Fighters help us!!
Oh well, we're half way there...
Jaxon: Yes Mommy!
Mommy: Does Jesus help us?
Jaxon: NO MOMMY! Fire Fighters help us!!
Oh well, we're half way there...

In my defense...
I DID apologize several times for the aforementioned lotion/Chrystal Light incident. I just DO think it's possible to be very sorry for something AND find it hilarious all at the same time!
Lotion and Chrystal Light DON'T MIX!

okay, so this little incident happened a couple nights ago, but I waited a few days to blog about it so Dave might now be able to find the humor in the whole thing...
Let's backtrack, bless Dave's heart, he rubs my feet with lotion every night! I have a great scent (Eucalyptus Mint) that came in a very nice glass bottle with a thin pumper at the top. A few nights ago I was going to tease Dave and put the end of the pump in his ear and threaten to pump it if he didn't rub my feet right away. Well, Dave was not expecting anything in his ear (obviously) and when he felt something go in, he immediately jerked his head towards me quickly...well...that pumped a big squish of lotion right into his ear! YIKES! To make matters worse, I couldn't stop laughing as I jumped out of bed to go get a Q-tip to clean it out. As I jumped from the bed (and Dave had both hands over his eyes moaning in fake agony) I forgot all about the Chrystal Light water bottle I had been drinking (bright pink) so to add insult to injury, it fell over and started gushing Chrystal light on and under Dave...on HIS SIDE OF THE BED. By the time he realized what was going on, and located the bottle (he's blind without his contacts or glasses) he had a squish of lotion in his ear AND a giant puddle of Chrystal Light on and under his body. Well, I cleaned the lotion from his ear, and did the best I could to mop up the drink, but Dave ended up having to sleep over the puddle on a hand towel. Needless-to-say, Dave found no humor in the situation, and I only made matters worse with my inability to control my laughter... sometimes you just gotta laugh!
It's Official! Part II

I made sure to catch the RS pres. today and tell her to put me to work ASAP!!! ( in the 5 and 1/2 years I've been married, I have yet to be able to attend RS!!!)
"It's Official" Part I

I know I have been the worlds worst blogger lately, but its because there are several things in the works that were not "OFFICIAL" yet, but basically the only things on my mind, so I didn't have much else to say....but...here is #1!!!
I Have gotten my own class at Fitness Works! I haven't made my video yet, but this is how it's going down-
The teacher of the Tuesdays at 6pm class is moving away in two weeks. SO...I will team teach with her on May 20th, then the class becomes mine!!!! One of the managers will team teach with me for a few weeks until I get my video made (more info on date and time to come) because I can't teach by myself until it's made, but I AM SO EXCITED TO ALREADY HAVE A CLASS!!!!
So- anyone who would like to come to my launch day on Tuesday May 20th at 6pm, just let me know and I will get you a day pass. I will be on the deck the whole time and will actually teach half the songs!!! HURRAYY!!!!!!
It's a puzzle!!!

Really, I think my life is just not that interesting to anyone but me these days! I spend large amounts of free time (as in, Jaxon is sleeping or not at home) at the computer, but it is not spent blogging, or blog hopping, or even photo editing! I have been diligently working to memorize my aerobics tracks and they are really coming along. (this is done in front of the computer because it is the only thing in the house that plays the How-To DVD for the 9 songs.) I have also been sitting at the computer pouring over a large (470+ pages) book about how to use Photoshop. I have to read it slowly, and often more than once, because computer jargon, and Photoshop jargon are currently not in the vocabulary I speak. I am currently on page 70ish, and have been reading it for 3 days if that tells you how slow the going is.
Let's see- really- life is great! Dave now spends lots of time in the loft with me because we brought a "puzzle table" up for him, and he really LOVES puzzles. Speaking of puzzles ( a good segway) sometimes it's a puzzle how we ever ended up together-
Dave loves puzzles, Sci-Fi, ESPN, baseball season, very spicy food, talk radio, etc.
I hate puzzles, sci-fi, ESPN, baseball season, very spicy food, talk radio, etc.
I love reality TV, being in front of a crowd, singing, talking to people I don't know etc.
Dave hates reality TV, being in front of a crowd, singing, talking to people he doesn't know etc!
I am highly emotionally charged, and well...to say Dave's not is the understatement of the century. Dave is totally based in facts, while I live in the feelings realm.
I think we just complement each other! You CAN have too much of a good thing, or a bad thing, so we keep each other grounded, and we both keep the other on our toes!
My Boys
Today I got out my dollar-a-yard material from Walmart (quite a steal- thanks for the idea OneHM!) to see work on some lighting. I asked Dave to help me get Jaxon on it for a few shots...but the results were not exactly what I was expecting! While I did get a couple cute shots of Jaxon, (and Dave for that matter!!!), I mostly got my boys messing around, but who can me mad at these cute fellas? (for the record, Dave and Jaxon may hold the record for Males on the earth who like having their picture taken THE LEAST!!!)
GASP! Where has my shirt gone??? And why are you taking pictures of me without it?
GASP! Where has my shirt gone??? And why are you taking pictures of me without it?
HAHAHA! Daddy's funny!
Yes, yes I AM funny!!!
Jaxon taking his cues from Dad!
Can she still see us? (yes, this is the backdrop they were supposed to be sitting ON, not peaking OVER!)
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