It's official! I am no longer the YW president of the Hawes ward. This is the other thing that has been on my mind a lot lately but haven't been able to talk about. I certainly have mixed emotions, but I felt in advance it was coming, so had time to prepare. I was in YW for over 4 years, so really, it's time to be elsewhere. I will miss the girls SO SO SO SO SO much, really, I do love them dearly, but I already feel a huge weight lifted off my shoulders, and I am REALLY okay with that!! Also, I leave the YW in fantastic hands! Marie (who debuted on my photo blog earlier this week) is the new YW pres. and she will be FAB-U-LOUS! She knows the girls, they adore here, and she is a worker! Also, her new presidency is amazing...the girls are really lucky. I also have mixed emotions about not going to camp! I will miss the experience with all the girls, but pretty much nothing else like...the packing, the dirt, the drama, the responsibility... YIKES!
I made sure to catch the RS pres. today and tell her to put me to work ASAP!!! ( in the 5 and 1/2 years I've been married, I have yet to be able to attend RS!!!)
Wow Ashley. I can't believe they finally released you. Boy your life is sure changing right and left. Next thing we know you will be pregnant! I am sure the girls will miss you but change can be a good thing.
Oh, wow. What are you going to do with all your free time now?
Crazy that you haven't been to RS as a married lady yet. I've been in Primary, YW, & Primary again that I've only had a few months of RS since we've been out here. And I gotta tell you, I went today (Mother's Day gift from the men in the ward) and it was kinda odd. I wasn't used to deep spiritual discussions with reverent people. Weird. But good.
Maybe you'll get called to Nursery. I know our ward is looking for a new Nursery person, if you're interested. :)
HOLY COW!!! I can't believe it's been 4 years..I think that's a record..ha ha!! You were such an amazing president!! Well I hear ya on being bummed about camp...that is just such a great fun time with the girls..not to mention the fun time with the all the leaders. But you will be fabulous at whatever your next calling entails. Watch out RS here you come!!
If you or Marie had been YW president when I was in YW, I would have enjoyed it more and behaved myself more. I hope that when my girls are in YW, they have leaders as wonderful as you & Marie!! Now go and enjoy your time in RS before they put you in nursery or something. :)
We will miss you Ashley! Don't be a stranger!
Maybe we should start a support group for newly released YW leaders??? What will we do on Wednesdays????
I was so shocked when Brett told me on Saturday night that the YW presidency was going to be released. I was so sad. This was really the first time I felt such a loss towards my calling and the people I have come to love working with. I am so excited that I will still be able to work with Marie, but I will definately miss you, Misti and Charlotte. You did a fantastic job!
Those things are always hard. I'm sure your next calling will be just right for what you need right now. Your life is full of changes these days, exciting!
It's good to know that you have faith in me, but I've got some pretty big shoes to fill. You have been amazing and the girls adore you. Be ready for many, many, many calls from me asking what the heck I'm supposed to be doing!
All good things must come to an end. Hopefully you'll get some cake calling after all that. But its hard, I know, from it being your life (and your control) to go to someone else's. The YW you touched will be forever grateful. And congrats on getting your own class. that is most impressive.
Wow Ashley, 4 years is a long time! I'm going on my 3rd year in YW, though in a different ward. Its amazing how fast the time goes by! I'm always curious to ask people, if you could have your dream calling, what would it be?
Those girls are really going to miss you. I am sure they will carry with them a multitude of wonderful memories of your years with them in Young Women.
Wow, congrats {I guess?} Can't believe it's been so long since you have been to RS! I'm sure we'll see you soon!
Wow, what a huge change for you! I am sure you're full of emotion, but hopefully a lot of that is positive. You'll be great at whatever you do. I'm sending "not VT Coordinator" (my current (2nd time, actually) and least favorite calling) vibes your way.
I hope that my girls have a YW President like you someday.
WOW! That is always bittersweet to leave a calling that is so much work, but gives you so much fulfillment. You'll be great in RS!!
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