
Goodbye Dave...I'll be gone longer than I originally planned...
Awesome/ Not Awesome
Awesome: I ground the wheat and made 6 loaves of bread this morning.
Not Awesome: The Preheat Temp. is 400 but when you put the bread in you turn it down to 350...guess what I forgot to do? Now I have 6 dark brown, TOASTED loaves... boo.
Awesome: Jaxon FINALLY went stinkers in his potty Chair this morning!
Not Awesome: 10 minutes later he finished the job...in his underwear.
Awesome: Jaxon was asleep within 10 minutes of me putting him down for his nap.
Not Awesome: He was awake after 20 minutes because I forgot to put a pull-up on him and he wet the bed.
"MOM! Get in here RIGHT AWAY! There is a big pile of Urine in my bed!"
I'm SO EXCITED...and I just CAN'T hide it!!!"

The countdown is on...
Things I am looking forward to-
~Spending time with dear family!!!! (Really, this out-weighs all other pros and cons and is the reason Jax and I are braving this trip without the Mr.)
~Cooler daytime weather
~Interesting sites and adventures
Things I am NOT looking forward to-
~The 11 hour drive to Utah, then the 7 hour drive to Yellowstone
~The FREEZING nighttime temperatures
~Sleeping in a tent with Jaxon
~Sleeping in a sleeping bag..quite possibly with Jaxon
~Sleeping outside. period.
~Wild animals sniffing around our tent at night. I think this is my biggest fear. Has anyone read Hatchet? (Great read if you haven't) but there's a part where a bear, having smelled Brian's food that he had cooked that night, comes skulking around camp. Brian startles it, and the bear swipes him right out of his shelter and into the lake, luckily not killing him. I DO NOT WANT TO BE SWIPED BY A BEAR....IS THAT TOO MUCH TO ASK FOR????
Somedays you just can't win!
So I made out a check from our real account (PS-I DO usually pay babysitters in cash...when I was young I HATED getting checks...but it's all we had) and gave it to her as I was driving her home. She said uncomfortable... "Ummmm...Sister Rogers...about these checks..." OH CRAP! I KNEW IT! I HAD WRITTEN HER A BAD CHECK! I WAS DYING!!!
Then she finished.... "I have one from you that I can't cash...because somehow you made it out for '10 Minutes' instead of '10 dollars' "
YES! Not only is that FUNNY....it's exponentially less embarrassing than having given her a bad check!
Complete Randomness with some hilarious-ness
(Not sure if I already told this...or how on earth I forgot to take a picture...but the little sign by the bed said, "Please enjoy your sleep. Don't put your wet clothes on the lamp shade."
#3- We went to Chucky Cheese to celebrate Jaxon being potty trained. Dave was really sad to be there and have to "help" Jaxon play all those games...can't you tell?
(Can you tell which ones I painted and which ones he painted?)
A helpful "Help Center" in India...No, really!
Calling All Camper-outdoorsy types- HELP!
Please don't judge me.
It's just not my thing...in fact, the only time I've ever done it was one night with the Youth on the Stake Trek, and I can promise you that it was the worse night of my life. (Though it's true one could argue...I don't get out much...) Freezing, icey, SO SO Cold, and windy..sleeping on a rocky ridge, with only a sleeping bag, no other blankets, air mattress... (come on, we were pioneers!) So, that is the experience I have to pull from. AND!!! Yellowstone is supposed to be a whopping 38 degrees at night...BRRRRRR!!!
Here is where YOU Come in! First, I need good solid camping tips. The first really good one I heard was "Change your underwear at night instead of the morning...sleep clean!" This is the real deal stuff people, THIS IS WHAT I'M LOOKING FOR!!!
Second, if you have anything that would make camping in the wilderness, without my husband, in a tent, with a 3 year old, for a week, any easier that you would let me borrow, I will be your slave forever! (or at least be so grateful and pray that you get A LOT of blessings!)
2 Specific things I'm looking for are #1. A couple beanies to fit a 3 year old. (I would REALLY Love one with ear flaps and a tie under the chin for him to sleep in...90% of your body heat is lost through the head you know!) and #2. Some already grungy camping sweatshirts/jackets for Jax to wear in the evenings.
Jaxon: "WOOT! WOOT!"
(Anyone who knows Dave, knows he should never say anything of the sort...)
(I was babysitting my sister's 3 young kids plus Jaxon so I had a 4,3,2, and 1 year old...Jaxon did something naughty and got his cheek flicked, and my sister does not really believe in much physical punishment like that so her kids were a little shocked...)
Um...yuck...and see-ya later meat, I'll miss you!
Also, I'm sad/happy/excited/bummed to admit, I've jumped on the "meatless" or "vegitarian" bandwagon. I've known for a looooooooong time (through my wonderful sis and sis-in-law) that there are plenty of health benefits, but I REALLY LOVE MEAT! I am a carnivore! Well, I just read the new fertility study from Harvard (The most comprehensive fertility study to date) and meat is BAD BAD for fertility. So is caffeine (no brainer there...) which I have also given up and am trying to talk Dave into doing the same. Another fetility offender is low-fat and non-fat dairy! CRAZY HUH? I guess removing the fats drastically changes the hormonal make- up and it becomes crazy hight in male hormones. Also, the stuff they put back in to make it still taste creamy and yummy is very bad for fertility.
Good for fertility?--- Vegetable proteins, and FULL FAT DAIRY ! (yes, 2 servings of full fat dairy a day. Best dairy- Full fat Milk! #2- 1/2 cup scoop of full fat ice cream!)
Here's the link if you want to read the 9 page study results for yourself!
I'm so in love with this guy...
My favorite part of this picture- his dirty fingernails...he's still my little boy after all!
Potty Part 2
This one is my favorite-don't they just look SO pleased with themselves???
Potty training continues to go well...so why are Jaxon and I so emotionally drained??? We were BOTH in melt-down mode when Dave got home last night...so he quickly excused me to go shopping, to get a pedicure, to the library, to get dinner, whatever I wanted. All I wanted was a bath and some peace and quiet...so I went upstairs!
This morning I didn't pump Jaxon full of liquids because we HAD to go to the gym for me to teach. I took him before kidsclub, and asked the gym ladies to take him every 15 minutes (They are really wonderful!!) but right before I got back (like 2 minutes before) he had a little accident. I was prepared with new clothes so no problem. We went to the ranch market, tried using the bathroom 4 times, but each time, "Oh. I just can't do it right now."
Potty Party 2009 = SUCCESS!!!
A Day in the Life...
1. Jaxon and Gordon, playing nicely, with nice big rocks. (really, right there I shoulda known better...)
Jaxon considers throwing his rock to the ground...
But instead throws it on Gordon's finger.
*******(not pictured...Gordon's finger is cut and gushes blood. Jaxon is spanked.)*******
Jaxon cries because he hurt Gordon, got spanked, and Mommy "squeezed his wrist too tight"
Jaxon in timeout in the wilderness (come on...this is kinda cute!)
"Jaxon, show me your happy face and we will go find Gordon."
Another reason to love Utah...
Jaxon jumping for Joy over the fireworks Dave was lighting-
And the best 4th of July-esque picture I could get of him...why is it the ONE time you drive by a gorgeous wheat field, your child is uncooperative? Oh yes...because when it comes to pictures...he is ALWAYS uncooperative!

I LOVE being a parent
On thursday we went to campus. On the way up, Jaxon and I were singing the BYU fight song, which he knows, but needed a little refreshing. I also pointed out the "Y" on the mountain and told him that is stands for "B-Y-U COUGARS!!!" So, as we were walking aruond the bookstore he was seeing the "Y" everywhere, so he kept shouting, "B-Y-U- COUGARS" To which everyone in earshot would cheer and clap. That was all the incentive Jaxon needed to keep going, so all throughout campus we were surrounded my cheering and clapping. SO FUN!
We went to 7-peaks on Friday, and Jaxon could have stayed ALL DAY. He loved the kids area and the lazy river, but once we took him down the big slides on our laps, we couldn't talk him into anything else. We went OVER AND OVER AND OVER! He only wanted to go down on Dave's lap, which was fine with me because 1. Dave's stronger and a better swimmer than me, and 2. Jaxon always picks me to do things with him, and it made Dave feel really good to be the go-to guy. Jax especially loved the innertube rides and we ended up staying until almost 8pm!!
Second post for the 4th of July- Dave's lost his mind!
I just looked over to see Dave, (enjoying cable at my parents condo since we don't have it at home) arms up in the air, pumping his fists yelling, "GO JOEY!!! GO!!!!!" What is he doing you ask?
He then said, "YES!!!! Joey Chestnut Just beat the world Record! And he beat Kobiashi by 4 hotdogs!!!"
Oh Dave. I love you.
Mormons: A Peculiar People!
To tell you the truth, I thought it was all a little weird and slightly lame to camp out just to see an hour and a half long parade....that is... until this morning as we got into the thick of things. It wasn't really about the parade for most of these 200,000 people. Of course the parade is great, but it was about tradition and family. Going year after year, taking shifts at the "camp site", cooking on the grill, cousins in tents giggling all night, and just being together. You have never seen a breakfast feast like some of these families were enjoying together. It made me imagine if all our family were here...taking a shift with my sisters chatting and snoozing, dad grilling for everyone in the evening...sounds like great fun! Lindsay was right... I GOT IT!!!
Anyway...we were going to start the one mile walk about about 7:45 (Parade started at 9) and take our chances with getting Jaxon a seat anywhere near the actual parade. Since we had spent yesterday at 7-peaks...we all slept in (even Jaxon!!) and didn't end up getting out the door until a little after 8. To say it was total mayhem down University would be the understatement of the century. So we walked and walked and walked...and finally found a little spot about 30 feet from the street that was actually saved for residents of it's apartment building...but all the tenants were watching out their windows and said,"Go ahead!" A few minutes later we saw a large roped off area that had only about 1/4 being used by a hispanic family with 4 little boys. We asked if we could sit in the back corner, and the wonderful kind mother told us, NO! Bring the little boy (Jaxon) up to the curb so he could see. She was offering us drinks, snacks, and gave us her extra camp chair-seriously- AN ANGEL!
Jaxon loved the parade and watched the whole thing in awe. Towards the end he even ventured off our laps to run 10 feet into the street for the candy being thrown! It was such a fun morning, and I am looking forward to a picnic with my parents for lunch in Provo Canyon, an afternoon with 2 of Dave's sisters and their families...selling my parents reserved parking spots at their condo for $20 a pop to Stadium of Fire goers (Jo Bros performing this year) and then listening to the concert and watching the Stadium of Fire fire works (biggest fire work show in Utah) from the lawn!
Utah: Movin up my list!
through new eyes
Also, this morning when Jaxon woke up at 5:30 (YES, 5:30!!) and by 8:30 had had enough of watch cartoons and being quiet so as not to wake my parents, we went for a nice long walk to the stadium/cougar! IT WAS GORGEOUS! Sunny, breezy, and that perfect temperature that is neither hot nor cold.
Noonish we went to a canyon park with a college friend of mine and our boys just played and played. It was a little warm, but totally doable! And we were both sitting in the sun for pete sake!
Anyway...I'm not planning on picking up and moving here any time soon...but the thought is better than it used to be!!!