FVC Update #2- AKA "injury update"
Good for a laugh...
"Make sure you STAY HYDRATED!!! Always carry a water bottle and send them with your kids to their camps. It has actually hit 80 a couple afternoons this week!"
He said it as if 80 was unbearably hot, and such a tragedy! AHHHHH...give me 80 degrees anyday...it's almost enough to make you want to move to California....almost...but not quite!
Family Vacation Center Update #1
"Like a Fish out of Water..."
Let me explain...all summer my mom has been asking, begging, bribing (etc) me to come with her to HER water aerobics class called "SILVER FLIPPERS" Silver-for the color of everyone's hair, and for the type of currency they probably used in the barter system when they were growing up, and Flippers-for the type of flotation devices needed for this crew to not sink straight to the bottom of the pool. (Let me insert right here that my very young 63 year old mother is also WAY out of her element in this class...I think it just must make her feel good to be in SUCH better shape than these other duffs...) She has been wanting me to come because she wants me to certify to teach this class because it would be WAY easier on my knees than Aqua Dynamic. Well, I was at least 3 quarters of a century younger than everyone in the water...and they ALL eyed me suspiciously when I got in the pool. My mom was beaming proudly, and did not see that this was going to go from bad to worse in a hurry. As we started warming up, the mantra that I chant to my own aqua class came to my mind, "In the water you can make it as hard or easy as you want, but if you don't get a good work out, it's your own fault!" So, I decided to make the best of a strange situation and really work hard. Within ten minutes of class starting, I was jumping and kicking my way straight to the olympics, quite proud of myself for working hard, when I looked around and noticed that I had AT LEAST (no joke here people) AT LEAST a 6 foot berth around me in every direction. EVERYONE had moved as far from me as possible and were now glaring daggers at me. I moved towards my mom and said, "I don't think I'm very polular in this class" She looked sheepishly around and whispered, "Ashley! You have to remember that most of these ladies go get their hair done once a week, and they won't thank you for splashing them! You need to tone it down!" That's it! My mother was officially embarrassed that she had brought me. I thought it was a bit of an exaguration (the whole hair-do thing) but about 20 minutes later we were doing a floating activity (sounds riviting, I KNOW!) and the teacher said, "Now Gertrude (or something to that effect)I know you get your hair reset tomorrow, so you just lay back and start floating!" Now that's not something you hear everyday! I kept my head down during the rest of the class, but getting out of the pool was another issue. OF COURSE, everyone needed to use the steps, and I saw no less than one cane and one walker waiting at the top of hte stairs. I hopped out the side like the renegade I had been labeled as, and my my mom said I was NOT welcome to come back with her anymore! I was honestly working every minute not to burst out laughing at the situation, and the only thing that probably kept me from it was the fear that one of my coworkers or managers would come in and wonder why on earth I was taking a Silver Flippers class.
Jaxon and Papa

(First scroll down and turn off my music so you can hear my little man singing in the mic!)
This is my first attempt at uploading video, but it does seem to be the hip thing to do... anyway, Jaxon wrote a special letter to Persephone and Doofer at Kids Club at the mall, and he and his cousin got to go up on stage and sing into the microphone and sing "The Wheels on the Bus" Anything Doofer related is top on Jaxon's all time favorite things, so we will be hearing about this for a long time. Jaxon's little voice singing over the phone PA system just did my mother heart good!!! Doofer also picked Jaxon up and carried him around a little and then set him on the stage for another song- here are some photos too! (don't mind the gym clothes....)
JAXON- The next American Idol!
He sure loves the Mic....
I like this one because it looks like Persephone is about to smack Jaxon!
He watched her intently the WHOLE time... This is when Doofer carried him up and sat him on stage!
When Chemical Burns are a good thing...

Is it sad?
J- "Where going Mommy?"
A- "Home"
J-"take a nap Mommy?"
A- "Not yet, but in a little while."
J- "No take a nap Mommy. MY bed too Dangeous"(Dangeous-not a type-0, just how he says it)
A- "What? Your bed is NOT too dangerous!" (As I'm totally laughing)
J- "Uh-Huh Mommy! Aligator under my bed! TOO DANGEOUS!"
We have been reading that book together ever since he fell in love with it at music makers, but what a funny kid to make the connection. I was of course laughing pretty hard, so Jaxon told me, "I'm funny! I call Papa, tell him my joke!" WHAT? Now he knows he made a joke? He is sure to outsmart me in the next 6 months...then what?
A few nights ago Dave brought this Surprise home for Jaxon. For anyone who has ever wondered where Jaxon gets his hilarious expressions...now you know!

Great to be in love

Dave and I got to go to the temple this weekend ( a MUCH MUCH overdue trip) and it was wonderful. We (I) have been shamelessly spending as much time (with Jaxon) at my parents house as possible, because they are his favorite people in the world, and they will be moving to China for ONE WHOLE YEAR in August. It is a tragedy (to me) that I can't face right now, but I want Jaxon to get as much quality time in as possible.
1. Two out of every three couples turn their heads to the right when they kiss. (in case you were wondering, we are lefties here at the Rogers house!)
2. A simple peck uses two muscles; a passionate kiss, on the other hand, uses all 34 muscles in your face. Now that’s a rigorous workout! (no wonder I'm so buff! I JEST, I JEST!!!)
3. Like fingerprints or snowflakes, no two lip impressions are alike.
4. Kissing is good for what ails you. Research shows that the act of smooching improves our skin, helps circulation, prevents tooth decay, and can even relieve headaches.
5. The average person spends 336 hours of his or her life kissing.
6. Ever wonder how an “X” came to represent a kiss? Starting in the Middle Ages, people who could not read used an X as a signature. They would kiss this mark as a sign of sincerity. Eventually, the X came to represent the kiss itself.
7. Talk about a rush! Kissing releases the same neurotransmitters in our brains as parachuting, bungee jumping, and running.
8. The average woman kisses 29 men before she gets married. ( I always knew I would find something at which I was above average!!!)
9. Men who kiss their partners before leaving for work average higher incomes than those who don’t.
10. The longest kiss in movie history was between Jane Wyman and Regis Tommey in the 1941 film, You’re in the Army Now. It lasted 3 minutes and 5 seconds. So if you’ve beaten that record, it’s time to celebrate!
These are the times to remember...
Also, this is what Jaxon said to me in the car today-
"NO NO Drive car mommy! You too Dangeous" (not a typo- that's just how he says Dangerous) Let's be honest, if there is anyone in the family who is a "Dangeous" driver...it IS NOT HIS MOTHER... I will leave it at that!
Same subject, different Day

Thank you BABY WISE!
......" I GOT MY MIND SET ON YOU...."
Ashley- "This song makes me happy, I'm going to add it to my blog"
Dave-...let's be honest...Dave doesn't say much...
(At home)
Ashley- "Do you remember the name of that song I wanted to add?"
Dave- "Nope"
Ashley- "I think it's by George Michael, I'll search for it!"
Dave- "okay"
Ashley; (in a sad voice) "No luck."
After I blow-dried my hair and came back to the computer I turned on my blog and guess what was playing??? When I left, Dave got on the radio station website and checked their playlist! Then he added it as the first song on my blog. Turns out it's by George Harrison, not George Michael. Such a little thing to do, but means so much. I sure love my sweety!
A little perspective goes a LOOOOONG way!
"For anyone who has made assumptions of what water areobics is, needs to take your class. I think I was actually sweating in the pool...is that possible?"
For anyone who doesn't know Donnie, she is about the fittest, most in shape, beautiful gal you ever met in your life! So coming from her, that is a HUGE compliment.
So anyway, I will be retaping next week. I watched the video myself, and I think it's just not professional to send it in with the fall. So, I am not making a big fanfair like last week, but of course, anyone who wants to come, now or EVER, please let me know! It's fun to come try, especially if you come with a friend!
There is one little piece of good news, my pay, and when it starts has been up for debate lately. Normally, no one would start teaching a class until they were completely done, video done etc. but they were in such need of aqua teachers that a couple of us got through the system and got a class before we were 100% passed off. Well, normally you aren't elligible for pay, until you are through with everything, but I finally got the word today that I am now getting paid, that includes Tuesdays class, which had 32 people!! ( I get a base pay, and then a small amount ($0.50) for every person in the pool, but hey, 32 people is $16 bucks on top of my base pay... I won't sneeze at it!!!
Okay, as for the rest of my life, (I do have an life outside of this drama right now, though my blog would seem to speak otherwise) we are great, happy, healthy, and busy! We are getting SO SO SO excited for our bi-annual Ferrell Family Reunion in Santa Barbara the first week of July. It's at the Family Vacation center, and is honestly the best vacation you could possible have with your kids. Every age group of kids has counselors that take them on the most fantastic adventures, games, food, crafts, etc. The Kids wake up begging to go (they have to eat breakfast with the family first) and CAN'T WAIT to get away. Then they go to bed dreaming off the wonderful adventures of tomorrow. Then we as adults have the whole day to play. It's at UCSB, and they set up tons of activities, or you can do your own, plus its a 5 minute walk to the beach. I am SO READY!!!! There will be 25 of us this year, and it's so fun to have the WHOLE family together!
What to say?
It is now an hour after I wrote the above section and I have been laying in bed unable to sleep. And I think it has come to me- It happened because, "It's what you do after the fall that counts." That's just it. I won't "go all gospel," but that is the lesson I am going to take from this. Now I ask myself the question, why did I need to learn this lesson right now? What is happening, or going to happen, that I will need this lesson for? Yikes...I'll keep you posted...
Passing along a good thing...

Out of the mouth of babes...

Here are a few of my recent favorite Jaxon-isms
Need put dough-ordinance in my arm-pips.
(The song Follow the prophet)
Follow the "paw-fit"....he knows "the flute",
Follow "the pawfit"....don't go "away"!
(In Nephi's courage song..)
Nephi was "outrageous", this was his reply (instead of courageous)
Wanna play basket-hoop
Ready or Not...
A few questions answered here for anyone who MIGHT want to come:
1. It's free!
2. Yes, you do have to be in a bathing suit, but board shorts or t-shirts are welcome.
3. YOU WILL NOT BE IN THE THE VIDEO! The camera is mounted on the ceiling OVER the pool, and only gets me on the deck, you will be there for fun and moral support!
4. You can get a great, or an easy workout, and no one can tell the difference because all the work you are doing is under the water! SO- if you want to come just for fun, you can. And if you want to come to work, YOU CAN!
5. It is easy on joints (for injured persons) and great for pregnant women!
6. Teenage/tweenage daughters (and hey, why not? Sons) are welcome to come with you, their parent!
Let me know if you are planning on coming, so I can leave your name at the front desk for them to let you in for free. It is this coming Tuesday at 6pm. (there is a kids club that is $3 a child if you want/need to bring them.
Help a sista' out!

(this is Lauryn at her recent birthday party, looking fantastic with her new blond locks!)
A Conversation...
Jaxon: "In the temple mommy?"
M: "Yes, who are you going to marry in the temple?'
J: "Jesus!"
M: "That would be nice, but you can't marry Jesus, you have to marry a girl."
J: "A gerr mommy?"
M: "Yup, a girl!"
J: "Okay Mommy, I marry Doofer!!"
Doofer is the man dressed as a giant prairie dog at singing time at the mall...and I'm not sure on the current rule about prairie dogs in the temple...