Internal bleeding?

Do you know?


"Ruffin' It"

Helmet head!
Also, Jaxon knows almost ALL the words to the BYU fight song, (And it is a LONG FIGHT SONG) Which is almost killing Dave. Jaxon loves to pump his arm in the air and say "GO COOTIES!" (Which is progress from the "GO Computers!" That we first got with the fight song) Good old Dave, he claps along every night, even though he hates every minute,...now there is a good dad and husband!

Brennen Brandt

My Sister the Genius! (And new mother!)
)Please see Amber's blog for instructions... I'm still not sure how I did it...she walked me through the whole thing!)
I also thought I would upload a few pictures and Welcome Brennen Brandt Palmer--born last Wednesday!! He is darling, and looks a lot like her first two...those Palmer genes are sure strong! Congrats Amber, you're the best!

Who knew...
Not that interesting...
You too can go from this
(before I get any comments from the peanut gallery ie. Ryan and Tyler, and possibly Brandis and Kelly (love you guys!) No, I do not have quite the stash isssues of this man!!!)
Mr. Mom, Husband Extraordinaire!

TAX DAY!!!!!

There are still several steps I have to take before I could get my own class, but I have taken the first step, which was definately the scariest. I have always had a secret desire to be an aerobics instructor, so when this training came up, I decided now was the time!!! I am incredibly sore, tired, sore, hungry, sore, and water-logged, but I feel like I really accomplished something huge. I know lots of people think that water aerobics is just for wimps and old ladies (see picture below that Dave insisted I upload) but this is a challenging class, and teaching on land (we don't get in the water) is about 1000 times more difficult that actually doing the class in water. When I've learned all 9 songs and am ready to pass it off, I have to get myself video'd at the gym teaching the whole thing. I get to invite non-gym members to be my mock class, so anyone interested in coming, hopefully in about a month, just let me know!!!

Henna and Happy Birthday!
Also, Happy Birthday to Ryan, my wonderful brother just older than me! He is a great guy, and very thoughtful. He also has a fantastic wife (who was one of my best friends in highschool) and two beautiful and energetic daughters! My present to you is....THEM!
HERE are some photos of your girls, more to come I promise!
(thank you CAMI and JILL for teaching me how to use the link function, you girls are geniuses!)
SUN-boy or SON-boy???
Do as I say, not as I do...

A new post!
Okay, one more good one. As I have mentioned, Jaxon apparently listens to everything I say, and then files it in his memory to repeat back and strange or funny times. Earlier today I was explaining to my visiting niece (Peyton), that her other cousin (Kalle) had to give her tiny baby kitten away, becuase her younger brother (Oakley 18 months) was not gentle and would have "squished" it. Jaxon never said a word during the whole conversation. Later today as Jaxon and I were driving home, he asked about the baby in Aunt Amber's belly. (Kalle and Oakley's mom) I told him very soon it was going to come out, and Aunt Amber would have a brand new tiny baby. Jaxon immediately perked up and said, "Tiny baby? No! No, Oakey squish! No Aunt Amber baby, Oakey squish!" I thought that was pretty hilarious, and again goes to show how much I have to be careful about what he hears!!! Oh children!
Proud Aunt!

Yup, that's my boy...and my arm!
Also, Jaxon has really been enjoying a few hand-me-down copies of Living Scriptures- he is completely obsessed with "Nephi and the Brass Plates" at the moment. While he gets the general idea...he gets his facts a little mixed up! Today when I asked him if he wanted to watch Nephi he said, "Mommy, the Lord hit me! NO NO Lord!" Slightly sacreligious, but also hilarious! Everytime we get to the part where Laman is hitting Nephi- Jaxon yells, "NO LABAN NO! COME ANGEL COME!" (he gets 'Laman' and 'Laban' confused, and he knows that when the angel comes, Laman will stop hitting Nephi.) It cracks me up every time we watch it, which is about 4 times a day...at least!
Litigation time!

So True...
"The purpose of life is to find your gift. The meaning of life is to give it away." -David Viscott