Henna and Happy Birthday!

First, I am pleasantly surprised at the response my henna post received...maybe photography is the wrong business to go into...anyone interested in hiring an aspiring henna tattoo artist???
Also, Happy Birthday to Ryan, my wonderful brother just older than me! He is a great guy, and very thoughtful. He also has a fantastic wife (who was one of my best friends in highschool) and two beautiful and energetic daughters! My present to you is....THEM!
HERE are some photos of your girls, more to come I promise!
(thank you CAMI and JILL for teaching me how to use the link function, you girls are geniuses!)


AnnaMarie said...

Hey Dingbat. First you don't answer my call, and then you don't acknowledge me as your brother. Thanks for nothing.


Anonymous said...

Where did I not acknowledge you? It's not your birthday!!!