Back to China

Overhead and Humorous
Jaxon: "Bye mom! Remember, don't hit! Oh, and don't bop!"
(then his little head peaks around the corner)
"Just try to be nice, okay?"
TV commercial
Older gentleman on the phone: "Sir, my computer won't work."
Computer guy: "Okay, let's start with the basics. Is it plugged in?"
older Guy: "Plugged into what?"
computer guy: "The wall..."
Older guy: "This computer didn't COME with a wall!"
(that is SO my dad!!!)
At the temple today-
Old lady and SUPER old lady
Old lady: "what year were you born?"
SUPER old: "1911"
Old lady: "My brother was born in 1911, but he died last year."
Super old: "DARN IT! It's MY TURN! But no...I just linger, and linger, and linger..."
Pay It Forward!
PS-I'm not terribly skilled...but I am a good baker, and have been known to take a few pictures here and there....Ooohhhh This is FUN!

Here we are on the subway on the way to the market- lots of people tried to speak their limited English to us after finding out we were American. One older guy sitting next to my mom pointed to my mom and said

Here's hoping!
Who would LOVE LOVE to take that class for free? PLEASE PICK ME!
Holly Brimhall and Amanda Andrews are offering another one of their awesome photo classes, and I really want to win a spot! Head over to either of their sites (linked above) if you too would like to take an awesome photo class. Just please try not to win the free spot, I kind of have it reserved! :o)
A far cry...

More Xi'an- slowely but surely!

Pit 3- Command post with high ranking officials and more chariots

This is a picture of the warriors right after they were unearthed, before they lost all of their color.

First day in Xi'an-
It reminded me of, "Samuel the Lamanite high on the city Wall..." Now I get it! This wall was built thousands of years ago, as Xi'an used to be the capital of all of China. I thought the fog made for some really cool shots.
This is Amber flying a really cool kite on the wall. We bought several and have already flown them at home, and they still work great! We did have a bit of an accident with one of them, and now it is in a knotted heap (I'm sure Dave would like me to insert here, that the "incident" was totally my fault) but the others-fantastic! My Dad was always saying, "China is so Modern, and China is so Ancient!" I thought this was a great picture to represent that-the ancient flag on the ancient city wall, with big buildings in the background!
This picture was taken from the parking lot, which in ancient times was the area where troops would gather and assemble before marching to battle.

After that we went to a traditional Chinese lunch (one of several) and it was pretty tasty! Our young waitress (the one that stands by our table the whole time, anticipating every need!) was kind and smiley and asked, "You. Speak. Chinese?" Probably the only 3 words of English she knew. I imediately said, "Peo Leung" (beautiful) because Aside from Nie Hao, it was the only Chinese I knew. Well, I'm pretty sure she thought I was calling her beautiful because she kept saying thank you in Chinese, and from then on, served me every dish first! It was pretty funny. Next we went to a fun flea market, where a guy tried to scam Amber and pull the old switch'a'roo on a watch she was buying.
Afternoon in Tainjin- Accused of being Italian!
The Entrance-

The walkways-

In front of the Ancient monster. This is half Dragon, and half something else I can't remember. This monster is the reason they light fireworks throughout spring festival. Legend says that this monster will sneak in and hurt/kill/take your children during the year if you don't light a lot of loud fireworks to scare him off during the festival....and Yes! It was DANG cold while we were there!
Part 2- First morning in Tianjin
Yes, that is smog! Also, all of those buildings are apartments, and they are EVERYWHERE. No wonder they can fit a billion people there!

This is a close up view of what the eggs looks like when they are done cooking-

While in China, I did buy quite a few "Knock off" items...but you gotta watch out...Case in Point-
Where's my baby?

See ya later!

We were just going to get a nice white toddler bed for Jaxon so it would continue to match his room, but he saw this fireman bed -which he FELL IN LOVE WITH, at his friend Tate's house, WHO HE IDOLIZES, and it was pretty much a done deal. Tate actually grew out of it and we were able to strike a sweet deal with his mom and dad (THANKS GUYS!)
We turned the lock around on Jaxon's door, and locked it from the outside. (I'm still worried to death about him getting out, wandering the house, and getting hurt without me knowing) We told him if we heard him out of bed and playing in his room, he would lose his "big boy bed" privilege and be back in his crib. We also bought a timer and hooked his little lamp to it. We set it to turn on at 6:45. We told Jaxon that when, AND ONLY WHEN, the light went on, he could call for us. Before that, to stay and play in his cool bed. Sure enough, right on the dot, he was not only calling, but knocking loudly on his door. It was SO cute...at least the first time!
First Stop- Korean Airport
Here is my SIL Tricia with our two beverages...Korean Sprite and the only fruit drink they had- Fresh strawberry juice- YUM!!!
This is spicy shrimp spring rolls (emphasis on the SPICY!!!!) with broth, pickled something that we all sniffed and no one tasted, and dipping sauce sort of like soy sauce. All pretty tasty.
These are pork dumplings which weren't too terrible, especially after we tried Chinese Dumpings...YUCK! The problem with these dumpings is that in China/Korea the soft bread is a delicacy, but it was a little too mushy for us!

This is noodles in broth with fried/mushy bread. It was really good. Also some veggie spring rolls, also not to bad, but I just can't handle the seaweed wrapper... hiding behind the big bowl is KimChee...pickled cabbage and the #1 specialty in Korea. It STUNK and I refused to try it, but my sister goaded me into taking a lick- just as gross as I expected!
Our favorite thing about the Korean Airport- the toilet! You push the red button on the side and the whole toilet seat rotates and refreshes with new plastic covering! WOW!
On our two hour flight from Korea to Tianjin they served some interesting Korean food-
This is the spicy red bean paste to squeeze onto the meal
Here is the meal itself-

Fish eggs-

Some sort of holey pickled vegetable

First of many...
I knew it, Dang it!
A few rules to live by...in China
#2- Do not hold said tissue in your hand while zipping/unzipping your zipper. I did this and got tissue stuck. No amount of pulling, pushing, jumping up and down or heaving by me or my 3 sisters made any progress. ENTER- SAINTLY PIZZA HUT WORKER. She quickly saw my dilemma when I was standing in the bathroom with my zipper down and 3 different people trying to help me pull it up. She quickly jumped in the mix and yanked, tried picking it out with her extra long pinky finger nail (don't ask me why they grow it that way...I don't get it either!), and dripped some water from the sink into my pants. When that didn't work she motioned for me to wait just a minute (as if I was going to go anywhere at that point) and she came back with a toothpick. She finally picked the toilet paper out and zipped my zipper up all by herself ( I think she would have buttoned my pants too if I would have let her..) and she was the first person I bowed to in China! I was saying "Thank you! Thank you!" over and over again!
3. DO NOT sit in the first row at the Grand Chinese Acrobatics show! While we were at the show, (more to come on this because dispite the story I am about to tell, it was UNBELIEVABLE!) During the show, one of the acrobats standing on the seat of her bicycle (while it was moving of course) lost control and her bike flew into the first row of seats- totally clobbering a little kid! We were in the 3rd row, and quickly realized, THOSE were the best seats in the house!
4. DO NOT talk to anyone in the market unless you are prepared to stop. They will grab your arm, shirt, neck...Heck, I think my hair was grabbed at home point. All while screaming (not a joke- SCREAMING) in your face "HEY LADY! I GIVE YOU BEST DEAL! YOU FIRST SALE OF DAY! DAT IS GOOD LUCK! WHAT YOU WANT? NAME YOUR PRICE!" My dad had to pry a few fingers off of me and steer me away while fending off grabbing hands.
We are having a great time, and are sad to see our time coming to an end. I am really excited to see my boys again though!
Nie Hau From China
We went to the Jeans booth because even with my "long johns" under my jeans, I was pretty cold, so we bought another warmer, fluffier pair. Well, I didn't think that both pairs of long johns would fit under my regular jeans, so my dad said we should go to "his jeans lady" and get new ones. We got to the jeans stall, and at the same time I was explaining about the jeans, we wanted to know where the restroom was. So at the same time I was trying to explain that I didn't want a pair of jeans that fit, but a bigger pair, my sisters were trying to ask where the bathroom was. Neither explanation was going very well, so my sisters drew a picture. Finally the lady started laughing, and motioned that she understood. She thought I needed bigger jeans because I had split mine while trying to use a squater toilet! Slightly embarrassing!
Anyway, she kept bringing me jeans that fit great, NOT understanding that I needed them bigger. She kept thinking I wanted them Stretchier. So finally I had one pair on, and motioned that I wanted ANOTHER pair, to put on OVER the pair I was already wearing. She thought I was nuts, but she brought me a bigger pair. Finally I said I would take the bigger ones, but not the smaller ones, and she was really confused. Right after that, as we were leaving the market, we saw two women screaming hysterically and sort of wrestling with each other. One had a brick in her hand and was screaming, crying, and trying to get away from the other one motioning that she was going to throw it. The other was screaming and trying to stop her. We got out of the way, becuase none of us wanted to get hit by a rogue brick!
I did end up using the "squater toilet" which is pretty standard here...for my first try, it wasn't too shabby....good news, and bad news. The good news is that I didn't get anything on me! The bad news is that I don't think I got much in the hole in the ground either!