Overhead and Humorous

Me on the way out the door : "Bye Daddy, Bye Jaxon"
Jaxon: "Bye mom! Remember, don't hit! Oh, and don't bop!"
(then his little head peaks around the corner)
"Just try to be nice, okay?"

TV commercial
Older gentleman on the phone: "Sir, my computer won't work."
Computer guy: "Okay, let's start with the basics. Is it plugged in?"
older Guy: "Plugged into what?"
computer guy: "The wall..."
Older guy: "This computer didn't COME with a wall!"

(that is SO my dad!!!)

At the temple today-

Old lady and SUPER old lady
Old lady: "what year were you born?"
SUPER old: "1911"
Old lady: "My brother was born in 1911, but he died last year."
Super old: "DARN IT! It's MY TURN! But no...I just linger, and linger, and linger..."


Brit said...

wow those are all hillarious! It's a good thing you went to the temple if not just for the fact that you overheard that!

The Hoopers said...

What a good boy you have. Atleast he's listening!

Sarah said...

I love Jaxon's parting comments. So, did they help? Were you a good girl on your outing?

I loved the commercial, too. But that last conversation between the old & older women. Wow. I guess your perspective changes a bit a the end.
Guess they've done everything they'd like to do on earth.