First day in Xi'an-

After our day and a half in Tianjin, we woke up early and flew to Xi'an, an ancient city that is home to the Terra Cota warriors. When we got there we met our guide and immediately went to the City Wall.
It reminded me of, "Samuel the Lamanite high on the city Wall..." Now I get it! This wall was built thousands of years ago, as Xi'an used to be the capital of all of China. I thought the fog made for some really cool shots.

This is Amber flying a really cool kite on the wall. We bought several and have already flown them at home, and they still work great! We did have a bit of an accident with one of them, and now it is in a knotted heap (I'm sure Dave would like me to insert here, that the "incident" was totally my fault) but the others-fantastic!
My Dad was always saying, "China is so Modern, and China is so Ancient!" I thought this was a great picture to represent that-the ancient flag on the ancient city wall, with big buildings in the background!

This picture was taken from the parking lot, which in ancient times was the area where troops would gather and assemble before marching to battle.

After that we went to a traditional Chinese lunch (one of several) and it was pretty tasty! Our young waitress (the one that stands by our table the whole time, anticipating every need!) was kind and smiley and asked, "You. Speak. Chinese?" Probably the only 3 words of English she knew. I imediately said, "Peo Leung" (beautiful) because Aside from Nie Hao, it was the only Chinese I knew. Well, I'm pretty sure she thought I was calling her beautiful because she kept saying thank you in Chinese, and from then on, served me every dish first! It was pretty funny. Next we went to a fun flea market, where a guy tried to scam Amber and pull the old switch'a'roo on a watch she was buying.
Next, since it was Amber's birthday, she requested that all the girls get massages (since "mattress" in Chinese must mean "Concrete Slab") and our backs were a little sore. Let me tell you, a Chinese Massage is nothing like an American massage. We had to put on scrub type shorts and t-shirts (dang it, I can't find the picture) and there was a lot of hitting, slapping, and karate chopping going on. No, there was not a fight, that is just what the people did who were massaging us- OUCH, OUCH, OUCH!! In their defense, my backache was pretty much gone, but I will stick to my Western Massages from now on!
Next post- The Terra Cota Warriors!


Jason and Kate said...

That is too funny. I know what you mean about the massages. I got a couple while I was there and the foot massages are better than the whole body ones. I'll stick to the American ones too!

Sarah said...

Wow, what amazing pictures. I can't wait to see the next ones.

Oh, in reply to your comment on my blog, have you tried some Pixar movies like "Cars" or "Wall-E"? Both are interesting enough to capture and keep a toddler's attention, while being benign enough to not teach inappropriate behavoir, etc.
I'd start with cars first. Though they do say words like "dumb". But nothing too alarming.

Oh, and my eyes are almost healed from this most recent inflammation. I'm going to throw away anything super old, and only introduce one new makeup item at a time.
This will take a while.
But I'm glad you're enjoying the pics.
Love you.

Brit said...

I love all the posts. It may be the closest I get to China. Sure looks fun!

The Ferrells said...

more! more! I am loving the pictures and especially the commentary. Such fun memories--

fish said...

this is sherry, by the way. lovin' your blog. i told you i'd send the link to mine:
later skater.