Poor Jaxon. Fall break is not in fact a big barrel of monkeys if your newborn baby brother is on a 3 hour revolving schedule that looks like this-
1. wake up
2. eat
3. Mom tries very hard to keep baby awake for one hour total including eating
4. Sleep for 1.5-2 hours.
What that means is, if we keep on his nap schedule, (Which I REALLY LIKE TO DO) Jaxon, Cooper and I have about 1/2 hour every 3 hours to do something out of the house. Including driving time.
Yah....doesn't work so well.
So, I tried to ditch a teensy tinsy bit of my A-type personality and get out and do one thing a day with Jaxaroni, and have Cooper take one nap out of the house. This results in the rest of his schedule that day being completely indesipherable, and gives me a little anxiety, but I am taking one for the team this week!
So, Fall break officially started on Saturday with General Conference. I was really looking forward to it, because I haven't been to church in over a month, and when I went to the General RS broadcast last weekend, the spirit was so strong and I really have missed that feeling.
We did General Conference Bingo again with Jaxon. This was just a whim last conference, and has turned out to be GENIUS! (Can't take credit for it, I just copied it from Pinterest. Bless you Pinterest.
We print out a Bingo card that has lots of words or phrases that are sure to be heard at Conference. Jaxon has to actually HEAR THE WORD/PHRASE himself in order to color it in, thus- he is listening to Conference! He doesn't understand a lot, and was often heard to say, "WHAT is he talking about??" but it's a good start. There was also a fair amount of messing around, jumping, whining, and even attempted cheating to color in squares that weren't heard yet, but hey...he's 6!!

I had taped 7 envalopes to the fireplace mantel, all with things like, "Way to go!" "You Rock!" "Keep it up!" Etc. written on the outside. When he got a Bingo Row he could pick an envalope and open it. Inside were all sorts of different "rewards" like "15 minutes added to bedtime" "30 minutes outside play with dad" "Walk to circle K with Mom and Coop and get a treat" "Two dollars to spend at the dollar store or save" (he choses SAVE everytime!) etc. He gets so excited to pick an envalope, and if you can believe it, I'd say he watched about 85% of 3 sessions of Conference. (The other session- Saturday afternoon, was spent playing with his Cousin Hailey...a better option by any 6 year olds' standards!)
Saturday evening during the priesthood session Amber and her kids came over and a good time was had by all...except that me, Mom, and Amber got sweet pork salads from Costa Vida...and they left the SWEET PORK off mine! LAME!
I hadn't really even remembered it was Fall Break until Sunday night when Jaxon was cheering that he didn't have school the next day....
I was totally unprepared for this. What the heck was I going to do with Jaxon all week? His cousins, our best and usual go-to playmates both had school all week. AHHHHHH!!!!
So this is where I decided on one outing a week-
Monday- After Cooper's first nap we went to the mall to go to the Spirit Store to get Jaxon's Halloween Costume- Hawkeye from the Avengers. (I think he just wanted a bow and arrow...) Well, they and everyone around here was OUT of Hawkeye, and he was seriously bummed! We went into the mall and saw a kiosk where you can rent an "animal-type-power-wheels- type thing for $5 for half hour and ride it all over the mall-
This kid was in heaven!
I liked it because I got a half hour of "exercise" pushing Coop through the mall at a nice leisurely pace keeping up with Jaxon, and Cooper liked it because he got to do what he does best-
We then at lunch at the mall food court and headed home. I was exhausted, and Cooper was completely DONE being in his carseat. Aside from playing outside in the backyard for a bit, and going for a treat with Grandpa, that's all that Jax got out of the house...but it was better than nothing.
Tuesday- Jaxon went to the Gym with G & G to play in the kids club and had a blast! Then in the afternoon he went with G and G to Amber's house and got to play with cousins for an hour. Two outtings today- WOO HOO!! Double Woot? Me and Coop got to stay home and stay on schedule!
Tuesday I called around to ALL the Spirit stores within an hour drive and found ONE Hawkeye costume in Scottsdale. I put it on hold and after work Dave and Jaxon drove out and got it. Jaxon ADORES IT, and has actually gotten pretty good at his toy Bow and Arrow!
Tuesday we got a Woombie that I had ordered for Cooper- it's a swaddle blanket that allows their arms to be in front of their body instead of swaddled at their sides like a normal swaddle. Cooper LOVES to have his hands by his face or up under his chin (where they ALWAYS were during his ultrasounds) so I thought he would love it... WRONG!! Worst night sleep of our lives. seriously. Score one for the Woombie- zero for mom and dad...never going to use that again!
I had texted pictures of Jaxon on the ride on animals to his aunts, and Amber thought it would be a great idea to do with all the kids on Wednesday when her kids got out for their modified Fall break. We met at the mall, let the kids play in the play area while Amber Fed Koda and we chatted, then headed over to the rentals. Jax and Oakley chose a Rhino, while Kalle and Brennen chose a Cheetah. They each got 15 minutes to drive, and we did a circle around the entire bottom floor of the mall. Those things are such a good idea, but I tell you what, letting kids that small drive is always a little dicey! My favorite was when Amber left Koda in the stroller to go help Kalle and Brennen and Oakley came up behind the stroller and forgot to take his finger off the Gas. He pushed Koda in the stroller for about 5 seconds screaming for Amber the whole time. It was pretty funny!
Jaxon and Oakley only cared about one thing- STAYING AHEAD OF KALLE AND BRENNEN. To these guys, it was nothing more than a glorified half hour race, and they were happy to say that they stayed in the lead pretty much the whole time!
Cooper actually slept almost the whole time, but during lunch at the food court he decided to try eating his hand....if only he could figure out exactly how he got it there, and how to keep it there once he got to his mouth!
OH I ALMOST FORGOT!!! I think this was such a hysterical example of how Jaxon is a daredevil and Amber's kids are more cautious. We each had a stroller, so we had to go between floors on the elevators and not escalators. Jaxon, Oakley, and Brennen got on the elevator first but took their sweet time doing it and the door closed before we could get on. We knew they wouldn't push any buttons inside so all we had to do was push the elevator button again and the doors would open. All in all they were probably in their 7 seconds total, but when the doors opened again, Oakley and Brennen were crying their eyes out- real tears, serious hysterics, and Jaxon was laughing his head off. Oh heavens!!
Today- Thursday. We have to start with Last night! It's the first time that Cooper didn't wake up at 1:45 just because. His internal clock has really been set because we stopped feeding him at 1:45 almost 2 weeks ago, but he still wakes up crying so I have to go in, reswaddle, and give him his pasi. LAST NIGHT HE SLEPT RIGHT PAST IT!!!! He woke up at 3:30 for his middle of the night feeding, and because Dave had done his 11 feeding and let me sleep, I HAD 6 HOURS OF UNINTERUPTED SLEEP. It was heaven. Heaven I tell you!!!
This morning Jax went to the gym with Gramps again, and after Cooper woke up from his first nap, he and I went on a walk. It was pretty nice weather, and Coop stayed awake and alert the whole time! We listen to music on Pandora on my phone, and I think it's so cute when he gets his arms and legs waving! G and G are currently out on errands, Coop is sleeping, and J is watching the electric Company while I blog.
Tomorrow all we have planned is a playdate for Jaxon, but Saturday he going to be a redletter day for that kid! He doesn't know it yet, but I got he and Dave tickets to the Live Disney Phineas and Ferb show coming to Phoenix. Phineas and Ferb is his VERY FAVORITE show right now, and I think he is going to absolutely die of excitement! We won't tell him until Saturday morning because the wait would kill him, but I'm so excited for he and Dave to do do this!
That's our Fall break in a nutshell...not as fun as spending the week in Minnesota with Tyler, AM and fam like we have the last 3 years...but as good as it gets for now!