And this isn't even all of it!!
With Dave's busy season and Jaxon's early bedtime, we never got around to carving pumpkins. Instead we got this awesome Mr. Potato Head decorating kit and made the cutest vampire you ever saw! Only problem? They game us two mouths and no eyes! Here is Jaxon trying to figure out what to do about it-
Poking homes for the parts-
Coloring in the Makeshift eyes-
Being a usual!
Is that a real smile I see? STOP THE PRESSES!!!
I have seen several people post on their blogs about Vertuccio farm here in Mesa. It's a half as expensive and twice as close as Schnepf Farms so we decided to give it a go! IT WAS WONDERFUL! We went before school got out and were pretty much the only people there. We got to do everything Jaxon wanted, as much as he wanted, and the whole thing cost me a whopping $7!!
We spent the majority of our time here-
Took a barrel train ride-
Conked a few crows-
Look at that air he's catching!
Did our very best to ring the bell....
Without a whole lot of luck...
Dispite the fact that we aren't seeing much of Dave, we are really enjoying Halloween, and the beginning of a wonderful Holiday season!
Halloween begins..
Jaxon had his Halloween day and party at preschool today. This is only half the girls in his class...but ALL The boys! That's right! 2 boys and 9 girls! Jaxon doesn't seem to mind, but his teacher keeps moving him around becuase he gets too "mothered"...all the girls want to help him do everything, make sure he follows directions etc! I think it's just supply and demand...boys are in low demand in that class so they are going to supply lots of help! Don't worry, even though they are NOT boyfriend/girlfriend, (we don't even joke about that at this age) Brailyn (Ariel in the picture) is still his NUMBER ONE BEST FRIEND (he told me today) and yesterday on the way home they decided that they will get married. Today they decided that they will both be Lady Gaga for Halloween next year! YIKES!
Today was the second to last day teaching AD at hte gym, so a bunch of us got together for a big Halloween blowout! It was great fun- so here are a few pics. I actually had a really cool witches hat, and green lips...but I had to take the hat off to wear the pic in the tracks that I taught, and you can't really see my awesome lipstick!
Jaxon's teacher, Who is great, dressed up as a witch with a green face and big wart on her nose. Jaxon didn't want to go ANYWHERE NEAR HER for a picture...I think the picture says it all!

Today was the second to last day teaching AD at hte gym, so a bunch of us got together for a big Halloween blowout! It was great fun- so here are a few pics. I actually had a really cool witches hat, and green lips...but I had to take the hat off to wear the pic in the tracks that I taught, and you can't really see my awesome lipstick!
Okay, for anyone who has followed this blog for any amount of time, you know that I teach an aqua class at the local gym. I love it, it has been so great for me all around, and I love it! (did I mention that?) Well, for a lot of reasons that are hard to explain (but we will chalk it up here to one word- MONEY) the gym is not going to offer this class anymore! I had the choice to turn my time slots into a different class (That I don't totally love) or give them up. After a lot of long and hard deliberating...I chose to give them up. *sob*
I'm seriously SERIOUSLY going to miss teaching. I love the interaction, the people, the workout, the fun, and let's be honest... I LOVE BEING ON STAGE WITH A MIC!!!!! :o)
I think that later in my life....or next year...I will learn a different class and start teaching again, but now is a good time for a break. Who knows what fertility will bring, and it will be nice to have one less responsiblity weighing on my mind and schedule...
So, I want it to be a major party. I am inviting everyone and anyone from near AND FAR to come join in the fun. If youre not a member of Fitness Works it doesn't matter, I will get you a guest pass. I want to go out with a bang, so please PLEASE come join me! Let me know here, or in a email if you are going to come, and I will make sure to you get the pass! I promise it will be fun! I'm bringing treats and prizes!
I'm seriously SERIOUSLY going to miss teaching. I love the interaction, the people, the workout, the fun, and let's be honest... I LOVE BEING ON STAGE WITH A MIC!!!!! :o)
I think that later in my life....or next year...I will learn a different class and start teaching again, but now is a good time for a break. Who knows what fertility will bring, and it will be nice to have one less responsiblity weighing on my mind and schedule...
So, I want it to be a major party. I am inviting everyone and anyone from near AND FAR to come join in the fun. If youre not a member of Fitness Works it doesn't matter, I will get you a guest pass. I want to go out with a bang, so please PLEASE come join me! Let me know here, or in a email if you are going to come, and I will make sure to you get the pass! I promise it will be fun! I'm bringing treats and prizes!
Rawhide 2010
We made the trek out to Rawhide again this year, and while not as spooky and creepy and Halloweenish as last year, it was still fun! Jaxon is actually more scared this year than last year (growing up and understanding what there is to be afraid of can do that to you I guess...) so it's probably a good thing it was more tame!
First we rode on the Stagecoach-
Then we headed over to see the Wild West Show...
Then to the jail...Jaxon refuses to smile for most pictures. Then when we tell him to make a sad/mad face...
With the stagecoach horses...
My own Handsome Cowboys...
Dave is in the midst of a very busy "busy season" and we were thrilled to get a little time with him! We are loving these family outtings, and don't plan on stopping anytime soon!
First we rode on the Stagecoach-
Then we headed over to see the Wild West Show...
With the stagecoach horses...
My own Handsome Cowboys...
Dave is in the midst of a very busy "busy season" and we were thrilled to get a little time with him! We are loving these family outtings, and don't plan on stopping anytime soon!
The Zoo
Jax and I have zoo passes, but hardly used them this summer for obvious reasons! Today we had not a thing on the agenda, and that is a rarity! So we got home from the gym, changed out clothes, and just the two of us headed out. I sure love my little guy, have I mentioned that lately? I love when we get to do things just the two of us!
So we started the day with an ice pop-
Then on to the tram ride...we didn't last too long on there...
We hopped off to see the lions and tigers, who because of the cool weather were out and about. Jaxon LOVED IT!!!
I caved and finally gave into a camel ride. It was a tremendous waste of $8... butsometimes you just have to waste $8 and ride a camel with your 4 year old...which is priceless.
Lastly we stopped by the monkeys... Insert any number of Monkey jokes here- :o)
I am hoping to get out and about to a lot more fun places with Just me and J. The days are passing too quickly, and sooner than I want to admit, I will be sending him off to school...forever. boo. The thought makes me cry!
More Minnesota!
Tuesday morning we got up and went to AM's gym- the YMCA! It is seriously awesome! They had classes running every 15 minutes and several pools that you could swim in with your kids! We took a seriously HARD CORE boot camp class, and by the end, we were drained. We grabbed the kids and got everyone changed and went for a nice swim...except for the anal lifegaurds who found every single thing Jaxon did to be breaking one rule or another...he's 4 FOR PETE SAKE!
We got home and had lunch and quiet time, and then walked with the kiddos to a great neighborhood park. Jaxon loved it (it had sand, sand= Jaxon loves!) And let the kids just run wild!
They had a great pulley/sand system that Jaxon adored!

Pushing Jaxon- and look Marie- I do have a shirt on after all!! :o)

Do you think the "flared nostrils while fake smiling for a picture" phase will pass soon?
(good thing he has those gorgeous green eyes to save the picture!)

That's a little better...

We came home and played more in their awesome backyard and cooked hotdogs and marshallows over the fire pit. The weather was perfect...did I mention that already?

Turns out...Jaxon doesn't like Marshmallows...but don't tell him that...he finds it very offensive!

Happy Marshallow face

Again with the nostrils....

This was later that night. Jaxon was winding down after a long day and just about ready for bed. Enjoying a short Backyardigans video before turning in!

Wednesday morning the kids had a great time playing outside...and it REALLY was cold enough to need their hats and gloves! They play together great....usually!
Little Miss "Vocabulary of an 8 year old but reasoning skills of the 2 year old that she is" Katie was cracking me up. She kept kept kicking over Jaxons sand bucket. He came to tell (with her at his heels) and I told him, "Just say, 'no thanks Katie, I don't like that!' and I know she won't do it anymore!" to which Katie said,
(At least she's honest...)
See- they can play nicely, and boy are they cute!

Hello Nostrils...

Gorgeous green eyes!

We went to the gym again, and did a pretty lame class with AM's wonderful SIL and had lunch at her house. She made homemade chicken noodle soup and homemade bread- what a lady!!!
The kids also played at another park, and had a great time pretending this and that-
AnnaMarie tried valiently to have them use their sticks as magic wands instead of guns...

Rolling down the big hill was fun!

When we came home we raked up all the leaves in the front yard, because seriously...could we go to a place with such great leaves, and not get some leaf-pictures? NO!

He's dirty, his face is chapped, but my goodness he had a great time!

Later that night we ate at restuarant called "The Good Earth" everything is all natural and locally grown, and good for you and all that Jazz. I had a delicious grilled veggie sandwhich! YUM YUM!!!
Thursday we just let the kids play out back again, and it was really chilly. They kept their jackets, hats and gloves on the whole time. It's a shame we had to leave that day, because they really started to enjoy each other! They played outside for a solid 1.5 hours! (these pictures were taken from AnnaMarie's blog, and she took much more time to edit the pictures than I enjoy!)
We had an absolutely perfect time. It was fun, it was relaxing, it was fall, and it was with family! We already want to go back! I sure my little traveling companion, he makes my life wonderful!
We got home and had lunch and quiet time, and then walked with the kiddos to a great neighborhood park. Jaxon loved it (it had sand, sand= Jaxon loves!) And let the kids just run wild!
They had a great pulley/sand system that Jaxon adored!

Pushing Jaxon- and look Marie- I do have a shirt on after all!! :o)

Do you think the "flared nostrils while fake smiling for a picture" phase will pass soon?
(good thing he has those gorgeous green eyes to save the picture!)

That's a little better...

We came home and played more in their awesome backyard and cooked hotdogs and marshallows over the fire pit. The weather was perfect...did I mention that already?

Turns out...Jaxon doesn't like Marshmallows...but don't tell him that...he finds it very offensive!

Happy Marshallow face

Again with the nostrils....

This was later that night. Jaxon was winding down after a long day and just about ready for bed. Enjoying a short Backyardigans video before turning in!

Wednesday morning the kids had a great time playing outside...and it REALLY was cold enough to need their hats and gloves! They play together great....usually!
Little Miss "Vocabulary of an 8 year old but reasoning skills of the 2 year old that she is" Katie was cracking me up. She kept kept kicking over Jaxons sand bucket. He came to tell (with her at his heels) and I told him, "Just say, 'no thanks Katie, I don't like that!' and I know she won't do it anymore!" to which Katie said,
(At least she's honest...)
See- they can play nicely, and boy are they cute!

Hello Nostrils...

Gorgeous green eyes!

We went to the gym again, and did a pretty lame class with AM's wonderful SIL and had lunch at her house. She made homemade chicken noodle soup and homemade bread- what a lady!!!
The kids also played at another park, and had a great time pretending this and that-
AnnaMarie tried valiently to have them use their sticks as magic wands instead of guns...

Rolling down the big hill was fun!

When we came home we raked up all the leaves in the front yard, because seriously...could we go to a place with such great leaves, and not get some leaf-pictures? NO!

He's dirty, his face is chapped, but my goodness he had a great time!

Later that night we ate at restuarant called "The Good Earth" everything is all natural and locally grown, and good for you and all that Jazz. I had a delicious grilled veggie sandwhich! YUM YUM!!!
Thursday we just let the kids play out back again, and it was really chilly. They kept their jackets, hats and gloves on the whole time. It's a shame we had to leave that day, because they really started to enjoy each other! They played outside for a solid 1.5 hours! (these pictures were taken from AnnaMarie's blog, and she took much more time to edit the pictures than I enjoy!)
Thursday afternoon we went downtown to a cute little candystore and walked around a tiny farmers market! We were sad to see our time there end, but I find that it's better to leave wishing you had stayed longer, than to leave wishing you had left a few days earlier! In the airport when we flew in Jaxon saw this play area and couldn't wait to try it out! It kept us busy as we waited for our slightly delayed flight out of Minnesota!
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