No rest for the weary!

Here I am,6 weeks out from my C-section... or better yet...less than that out from a natural delivery should little Cooper choose to be so kind as to come a little early with no complications!  I should be stock piling my sleep right? WRONG!  There are several things keeping me from being well rested-
    In my mind, we are for sure going to get this short sale we are waiting to hear on.  There are just so many factors that point to it as being THE HOUSE.  I will honestly be CRUSHED if we don't get it. But again, Dave and I have talked that if we don't get this house that we have really felt something for all along, even when it was off the market with a different offer, praying and hoping and wishing that it would come back, that if we don't get is REALLY not meant to be. Because, we want it badly, but Heavenly Father knows the rest of the story. Again, that is not to say I won't be SO SAD if we don't get it, but I'm pretty sure I won't die...or lose my testimony... probably!  :o)
  It's not even that I'm awake worrying about GETTING the house!  In my mind that's pretty set... I just can't stop thinking about having this new house, and all the things I want to do, and really making it a home that could really possibly last us forever...or at least a REALLY looooooong time.  I have been thinking about ideas that will make this house completely user friendly, and with the help of pinterest, I am SO excited to put some of them into practice. Of course I really have no idea how much it will all I think a lot (most) of them will be put on hold and done a little at a time.  I don't mind though,  the thought itself is JUST. SO. EXCITING!!!!
  Last night I kept Dave up for an hour (after we went to bed) talking about the house and my ideas, and bless his heart he really humored me, but he finally drifted off to sleep mid conversation around 11, and I was left to my own devices.  The last time I Remember looking at the clock (and using the bathroom one more time) was 1:30. BAH!!!

  There is just no room left for my stomach with Cooper growing AND MOVING like a little maniac.  Thus no matter what, whether I eat or don't, no matter what I eat, I always have acid in my throat, making it burn and making me feel sick.  Don't get me wrong- some things make it CRAZY WORSE- especially tomatoes and spicy food, but everything is bad these days.  Laying down sure doesn't help. And I feel like I'm taking a tums about every 10 minutes from when I lay down to when I fall asleep.  TUMS are gross on the best of days, but it's getting to the point that I'm just switching nausea from acid, for nausea from the disgustingness of TUMS.

  Yup, another one to chalk up to the Coop-ster!  As I lay awake from my various other reasons, I have to get up and go to the bathroom about every 30 minutes.  When I'm asleep I can usually last about 2 hours. But I'm sleeping really lightly these days, and no matter WHAT it is that wakes me up, I can't go back to sleep until I get up and use the bathroom.  Then I wake up even more, and my mind goes back to whatever I was thinking about that kept me up originally (the house...) and I lay back down in the middle of the night and my mind just starts racing again! Oh heavens.

 This is the reason I am sitting here yawning and running on about 5 hours of sleep last night.  With Jaxon I resorted to sleeping in a recliner for the last 8 weeks, and I really REALLY don't want to have to do that again, but I am never saying never... because I most likely have 6 more weeks to get bigger and BIGGER, and for Cooper to get bigger AND BIGGER!!!

Oh and by the way- I am still SO EXCITED To have and meet this little guy, and in no way should this post be taken as complaining!!!  :o)

1 comment:

AnnaMarie said...

Yay for Cooper & the new house! For me, I had a whole list of things, and needs turned into wants, and then pretty much the only thing left on the NEED list when we started paying for closing costs, home inspections, etc...was like a hose, a rake, and some cleaning supplies. BORING! :)