"Well, seeing as though I'm now athiest, you can COUNT ME OUT! I'm going to enjoy a good sleep in in the morning!"
Since I obviously didn't get the email, I didn't know about early morning choir practice and thus....didn't show up! The choir director doesn't know me too well, and asked everyone about this email that I sent. And guess what??? The entire ward choir assured her that it is "totally my sense of humor" and not to take it personally!
okay....maybe I would do that.
Anyway, we all got up to sing without a hitch, but later in church she stopped me with a nervous laugh and said, "ha...ha.. you kinda scared me with that email you sent..." I had no idea what she was talking about! When she told me and we checked the email address and I assured her it was NOT in fact me who sent the email, then she AND I, had a great laugh. Several other ward choir members stopped me throughout the day and told me they thought it was pretty funny, and a couple of the older ladies gave me very disapproving looks. Needless to say, I spent most of the day stopping to chat with anyone from choir to explain the real situation.
Later that day Dave had a meeting back at church, and an older gentleman from the choir said to him, "That's some sense of humor your wife has...." I don't know about you...but I'm pretty sure it was NOT a compliment.
To tell you the truth, I think the whole thing is hysterical!
Classic Ashley.
And I didn't post on your message post because I missed it somehow. Very nicely done, Dave. Using the paper trimmer and everything. I'm impressed!
I think you should send this story in to Reader's Digest. SO funny!!
Oh my gosh that is hilarious! I randomly (through the MacDonalds' blog- whom I don't know) blog-surfed to your site(not realizing that you were the wife of David, who was my very good friend in HS) and read this post. That is sooo funny! It totally sounds like something that would happen to me!
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