A picture says...

I got my camera out to take some casual shots of Dave and Jaxon playing swords in the backyard tonight, and these pictures pretty much sum up Jaxon to a T at the moment...so if a picture says a 1000 words, this is what these are saying about my little man-

Jaxon is still skinny
Jaxon has a lot of energy...A LOT
Jaxon can be found shirtless about 80% of the time, dispite mom's best efforts
Jaxon loves to be barefoot, and hates wearing his insoles
Jaxon never walks anywhere...
He Runs,

Or Jumps...

He hangs his head when he gets repremanded

Jaxon is still the most handsome little devil you ever saw in your life
and quite the little charmer too...

He loves to make faces...
"Jaxon- make a bug face..."

"Make a pirate face..."

"Make a daddy face.."

"Make a Mommy Face..."

Jaxon L-O-V-E-S to play with his daddy-o

And doesn't think his mom is too shabby either
I love this 3 year old, back-talking, kiss giving, sword fighting, sweet talking kid!


The Ferrells said...

He is so adorable and the funniest thing about back talk is that you know it came out of your mouth sometime earlier!! Kids are so wonderful--

Momma Malia said...

we love him too. sorry about not making it over this week. brailyn has a big sore on her chin that isn't too pretty for pictures. and we need to have you guys over for dinner next week!

AnnaMarie said...

Aw, that's so nice, Ashley. Good post.

Roger and Stephnie said...

He is so cute Ashley! He always has such a darling expression on his face. You have such a cute family.