(Seriously, those eyes! Are you dying???)

I told you there were more coming! I love these photos of Jaxon! Every single one is SOOOO him...from his eyebrow scowl, to his devilish grin, and everything in between! Thanks again Ashley, LOVE LOVE LOVE THEM!!! This is what Christmas is all about--pure unadulterated happiness, all over a CANDY CANE!!! (We visited the mall today...Santa pictures to come!)

Who are you chunky child? And what did you do with skinny little Jaxon?

1 comment:

onehm said...

I'm SO GLAD that you like them...
It means more coming from you, because you know the work that goes into it all, and to know that you love the images as much as I do is AWESOME!
Merry Christmas!!