
Yesterday Jaxon had his appointment with a physical therapist and his appointment with a pediatric othopedic specialist. The news is good! He has what's called "Idiopathic toe-walking" He has really flat feel, and poor muscle development in his legs and core, all of which lead to, and also stem from toe walking. We have to do physical therapy with him at home everyday to strengthen his core (no, he won't be doing baby crunches...but he still doesn't like it!) and he has to wear a special type of tape on the front of his leg from mid-calf to right before his toes. It pulls up on his foot just a tad bit to remind him to walk with his feet flexed instead of pointed. He also needs a pair of (very expensive) orthodic shoe insoles. So, we were happy to find out that he doesn't have any of the other issues that often go along with toe-walking like tactile issues and signs of autism. It's very treatable, and the earlier found, the better. So, that is an early Christmas present for us, and such a weight lifted off my mind.
(I just grabbed both of these pictures off the internet..)
This is how we have to tape Jaxon's legs. The tape is blue too!

We have to get a regular exercise ball and do this with Jaxon. He should be able to balance on top with something in his hands (a snack or sippy cup) without having to lean way forward or hold on to the ball or our hands, while we tip the ball slightly forward and back, and side to side.


The Ferrells said...

Life with children is never boring. It teaches us so much and we are so grateful he will be just fine! We want to see him get ready for his first prom!! Mother

AnnaMarie said...

I'm glad the things Jaxon needs are relatively simple!

Brandis said...

That's good news! Good for you for being on top of things. I'm sure you'll do a great job with his PT and he'll be just fine. :)