Weekend Wrap Up-

I have to start by THANKING LAURYN VANROOY for designing this beautiful blog layout! Again, her work is STUNNING!!!

Phew! What a weekend! I have a love for confererence that grows every year. Seriously, I can't believe how good it was! I especially liked Saturday afternoon session....but that could be because Jaxon was awake for the morning sessions and napped through the afternoons. Dave's parents came down and stayed for the weekend. I love having them here...but I'm afraid after how LITTLE we all got out of the morning sessions (thank you Jaxon...) that they might choose any weekend BESIDES conference after this!
On Saturday for lunch dad Rogers said, "I want Jaxon to choose where we go to lunch!" You cannot even imagine the hilarity that ensued, and the look on Dad's face when Jaxon said he wanted to go to Chipotle! Mom and dad Rogers were stunned...as they were expecting McDonalds. So, we even gave Jaxon this choice,

"Jaxon, do you want to go to Chipotle, or go to McDonalds, and play on all the FUN TOYS!?"

Jaxon said, "Uhhh...Chipotle! I want GUAC!!!"

Dave and I were cracking up, and sure enough, Jaxon ate an entire side of guacamole pretty much by himself!

Saturday night Mom Rogers, Jaxon and I went to Organ Stop Pizza with lots of cousins. Jaxon had never been there, but was really thrilled with our balcony seats, and all his cousins to play with. The music started and the lights started flashing and he was having a grand old time until he saw the organ and the organ player slowly lifting out of the ground! He grabbed his cup (spilled the entire thing down his chest) grabbed his plate and squished it to his chest (with a piece of pizza on it) and ran to me like nobody's business. He was shaking like crazy and crying and telling me to make that man go away! He refused to even look in that direction for the first couple songs, and sat on my lap the entire hour and a half we were there...except for the 10 minute intermission! I have never seen Jaxon react like that to ANYTHING, but I have to admit it was nice to have a snuggler for one night!

Jaxon, having an audience with Mom and Dad Rogers here, and also being out of his regular schedule a little, and being couped up in the house all day for conference, really gave us a run for our money this weekend! Luckily Mom and Dad raised 3 rowdy boys in a row, (that incidentally grew up to be fantastic gentleman...there's hope yet!) so they are quite sympathetic.


ThePalmers said...

Your new blog look is GREAT! Too bad I didn't win one! Yay for you- boo for me! :)

AnnaMarie said...

I also like your new blog design. Very fall-ish. That's funny that Jaxon was scared of the organist! I wish Katie could have been there with her cousins!