I have L-O-V-E-D reading the Friday Fav's on Christi and Kelly's blogs. I learn all sorts of useful information about random products and foods, and also some fun quirks of some fun girls! I have been compiling a mental list for some time now and I finally have enough to do a Friday Favs!
These little babys have no calories and GREAT TASTE. I reuse water bottles for the gym, and while I am not a huge plain water fan, I can easily drink my 80 ounces when flavored. Dave and I also use them at home for water bottles with dinner and later at night. Jaxon likes them too, and asks for "Mommy's 'Favorite' water" because he doesn't quite understand when we say "flavored." I do have one secret though, I actually like the generic Walgreens versions way better, and as an added BONUS! They are only $1 for a box of 10 packs, vs. about $3.5o for Crystal light!

Keeping with the water bottle theme, these things ROCK! I hate warm water, especially in the summer, but freezing a water bottle with some water in it makes everything taste funny (freezer taste, YUCK!) and even freezing cold water doesn't stay cold very long in this heat. Trying to funnel crushed ice into a water bottle was NOT my favorite thing to do, so when I came across these trays I WAS IN HEAVEN!!! You can get these at IKEA, and they are made from a very bendable plastic, so you can really just bend the ice right out! One tray fills a water bottle nicely, and WAH-LAH! Ice cold water bottle!

These little flavored popcorn cakes pack a DELICIOUS PUNCH!!! They are only 90 calories a bag, and the flavored toppings are TO DIE FOR!!! My two favorites are Cinnamon Streusel, and CHOCOLATE MINT! I am not exaggerating here, the chocolate mint drizzle tastes EXACTLY LIKE GIRL SCOUT COOKIES!!! I dare you to try it and say I'm wrong! I like that they are crunchy for when I am feeling a little snacky, and SWEET to satisfy the sweet tooth. After having a bag of these, you honestly feel like you have had a substancial snack! (Bonus: they are kid sized and Jaxon loves them!)

#4-Mr. Clean Wipes
While I am not easily swayed by clever marketing on television, there was one commercial that really got me! Picture a mother who just cut raw chicken. Some nasty chicken juice spilled on the counter and she wiped it up with a rag. Later, she picks up that same rag to wipe down the door handle on the refrigerator and it turns into a piece of raw chicken in her hand, (She of course is oblivious) and she continues to wipe down the fridge with a piece of raw chicken! That commercial was actually for Clorox wipes, but after trying all the different kids, Mr. Clean is by far the best! Each individual wipe comes easily out of the container (This CANNOT BE SAID for Clorox wipes) they have a nice clean scent, and they DO NOT leave any little tiny lint pieces all over (This also CANNOT be said for Clorox) I always use these as a final step in wiping anything up. I will clean the surface, then wipe with these germ killers!

I know I have been on a bread kick lately, but here's the thing. We have been trying really hard (well I have been trying since I'm the cook and shopper around here) to eat as many whole foods as possible. I have not gone crazy with this, and we are still pretty normal eaters (see the quaker cakes and crystal light...) but I figure, Heavenly Father made some good things for us, so I should try to get them as un-adulterated as possible. The problem with bread is that the 45- calorie stuff tastes like GARBAGE, and the good whole-wheat kind at the grocery store isn't actually ALL whole wheat, and there are TONS of additives, AND it's high in calories. There's always the bread store option, but it's WAY to expensive for normal family use. So when I tasted this delicious bread I was so excited. It only has 7 ingredients- the two main ones being water, and freshly ground whole wheat flour. Each slice is large and filling and actually DELICIOUS, and still only has 90 calories. The calories aren't even that important, because it's about putting good things in your body! I made it again today and it turned out even better!! Apparently I left one of the rising steps out last time, but HEY- it was still SO GOOD!


CJB said...

I love your faves! I need to get some of those ice cubes and start recycling my aqua bottles.

Crystal said...

Hi! I came over from Sarah's blog ( I love your Friday Favs!!

I too am not a huge water fan--only when I'm super thirsty, and it has to be super COLD. I'm going to have to head to IKEA and get myself the Water Bottle Ice Trays. Thanks for the tip!

Layne and Kelly Nelson said...

YAY! I'm so glad you decided to do this!! I had never seen the water bottle ice trays, those are AWESOME! Oh and the mini delights, TOTAL user. Tell me if the cinnamon streusels don't taste exactly like cinnamon twists from Taco Bell?!