Two weekends ago while I was in Utah, Jaxon and Dave bought a croquet (or as Jaxon says, "OKAY!" set) They have thoroughly enjoyed it, and I have feigned ignorance to knowledge of the game and told Jaxon that only daddys play croquet! (to get out of playing in the middle of the day in the scorching sun.) Well, tonight we broke down, and I happened to have my camera downstairs, and fun and hilarity ensued. Jaxon loves to play a game where you stand behind him and help swing at the ball...only to miss wildly! He then laughs hysterically and falls all over the place while you try to hold him up and do it all again! That's what these pictures are! It's nice to finally have some pictures with my little guy! (thanks Dave, your camera skills rock...although Jaxon did say tonight, "DAT NOT DADDY'S CAMERA! DATS MOMMY's CAMERA!")


AnnaMarie said...

Cute pictures! And wow, Ashley, you look so good! You just keep getting skinnier and skinnier. Way to go!

CJB said...

Holy Skinny! You look amazing with your little (but buff) legs. Glad you included some mom shots!

Robin said...

Great pictures! And yes, you are looking lovely and svelte!