Help, I don't know what to do! Dave just lost his #1, numero uno, star fantasy football player because of an injury. I hate football, but even I know who Tom Brady is... (mostly because of his scandelous relationship with Gizelle B. while another girl was pregnant with his baby...don't say I don't keep up on current events!) BUT BACK TO THE DRAMA! Dave is CRUSHED! He doesn't even want to talk about it, WHAT DO I DO??? DO I pretend to know anything about Fantasy Football and ask what he plans to do? Try to talk locker room strategy? Do I not say anything, because...let's be honest, I hate fantasy football season and maybe this will make him less interested in it? Oh my goodness, a black cloud has befallen the Rogers household!


The Ferrells said...

I feel your pain Dave. Ashley, you should definitely buy him something like a 50" plasma T.V. to help heal his wounds. -Ryan

Sarah said...

Um... isn't Fantasy Football a video game? Or is that what they are calling Pro Football these days?
I read about Brady's accident yesterday (via Matt interrupting me on the comp to quickly peruse espn).
Um... did Dave know that he plays for the Patriots?
You guys should just move out here. Sounds like you'd be in heaven.
So yeah, so sorry to hear Brady has some serious probs (outside of poor judgment... Did he really date a supermodel while his gf was preggo?) punk.

Well, that consolation plasma tv idea doesn't sound so bad. Plus you can get that point-and-shoot too. That way both of you can feel better. In addition to a little lighter in the pockets.

Emily Ferrell said...

If I were you I just wouldn't talk about it. He knows that you truly don't care about football or fantasy football so I would just leave him to mourn on his own. Eventually he will forget about it (but probably not until the Super Bowl is over, sorry that is not until February!)

Momma Malia said...

i am so sorry. mostly because i know how miserable a guy can get when it comes to fantasy football. at least there's someone out there who can relate to the anxiety i feel every fall when the season starts. more so because i'm dreading the amount of football, espn, yahoosports, talking on the phone time that is coming. and poor dave, it's not bringing him much joy.

The Hoopers said...

When Ryan is upset about something I make his favorite treats. Guys love their treats ya know! Then he atleast knows you care.

CJB said...

Headline: "Patriots confirm news: Brady gone for season"

I think Dave needs some lovin'

Matt said...

Cry baby.