"Don't Do it!" Part II

1. Don't drink a whole 44 ouncer of Diet Dr. Pepper on the first day after you gave up on not soda drinking.
2. Don't swing extremely high on the swingset for long periods of time while holding your son on your lap (no matter how cutely he giggles) after you have gorged yourself on that self-same 44- ouncer.
3. Don't let your son see you throw up in the garbage can, or he will say the rest of the day,repeatedly, "Mommy Frow up? Why Mommy Why?" (Boy when our next pregnancy comes THAT sentence is going to get old quickly!)

In closing, Dr. Pepper and Swing sets DON'T MIX!!!


Brandis said...

I can't believe you actually threw up from drinking Dr. Pepper and swinging. That is funny.

Sarah said...

Oh, I feel sick just thinking about your experience. My tummy gets all swirly and kinda bottoms out whenever I'm swinging high on the swings. And add tons of soda... Yikes.
Good thing the trashcan was so close.
Jaxon will probably forget about it soon, or he'll tell random people 5 months from now that you threw up in a trashcan. That's a toddler for you. Memories like goldfish and elephants.