Can it be?

Am I really posting something on THE BLOG?  This thing has haunted me for a 6 months now.  I keep wanting to write but there is just so much to catch up on! ARG!
   Well, here I am... Jaxon did something that really touched my heart tonight and so here I am, blogging.  Tonight as we put Jaxon to bed, he got a huge smile on his face and pulled back his covers.  There were 3 baby toys that had been his years ago.  When he was 4 we cleaned all of the baby things our of his closet and were going to give most of them to DI.  He begged to let him choose a few toys to give to a baby, should we ever have another one.  We let him pick, and he picked 3 of his favorite soft plushy toys.  Those toys have been up on a shelf in his closet for the last two years, and there they were in his bed.  He grinned a Jaxon grin and said, "These were mine, but I picked them out for the baby." (Oh, by the way, I'm 13 weeks of those things I really should have blogged about and felt guilty over...)   "I'm going to keep them safe until he gets here." (He is currently convinced the baby is a boy...) "I'm going to give them names for him and everything!" He proceeded to name all three, and then snuggled them into his arms and went straight to sleep. I went in there a few minutes ago, and though he was fast asleep and had changed positions, he still had all 3 in his arms.  He is so excited for this baby, and it makes me happier than words can say.  The story of how we told him will be dear to my heart forever, but let's not get ahead of ourselves... what will I have left to blog if I tell it now???  :o)


AnnaMarie said...

So sweet, Keep the posts coming!

ThePalmers said...

Love it!

Kelly said...

ASHLEY!!!!!! Congratulations! I am tearing up right now hearing that you are pregnant. Something you have prayed for and waited a long time for. You sweet, dear friend I couldn't be more thrilled for you!!! xoxoxoxox

Valerie: said...

haha that is cute..dont worry about back blogging...I am sure most of your friends who read it know majority of the things that go on in your life..just keep plugging away. I was starting to wonder where you went. Hope this pregnancy goes by fast and you can hold your little one soon. When do you find out the gender?