1. Jaxon's SURPRISE PRESCHOOL GRADUATION PARTY! Yup, you read correctly, we DID have a preschool graduation party. Set with balloons, signs, and all of Jaxon's favorite foods! (Pizza, strawberries, carrots with aunt Amber's Ranch sauce, and Brownies for dessert!) I made signs all with words that Jaxon could read, and he loved it. I had my mom and dad keep him for an hour while I set up so it would be a surprise, and when he walked in, he was just like Dave- EMBARRASSED! Ok...he's a little like me, becuase secretly he liked it, but it was great! Grandma and Grandpa came over, Jaxon read all his signs, and we ate his favorite foods. We all went around the table and talked about things we love and admire about Jaxon, and it was wonderful!Some might think that a "preschool graduation party" is a little over the top or excessive, and they are probably right, BUT I DON'T MIND! With just one, we take every opportunity to celebrate, and make a big deal out of little things!
I'm so proud of my little preschool graduate.... but I'm not quite ready for him to start kindergarten yet...let's not talk about it...seriously... I'm changing the subject now!
The secret set up...

Jaxon and his best buddy...

Here are the few pictures that I took in Wyoming that were NOT taken on my big camera. This first one is Jaxon and his two cousins Peyton and Hailey. They would come to our room every afternoon to play while their little sis took a nap in their room. Here they were playing "Vampires" and they are sleeping in their coffins. Morbid, yes. But cute none the less!

Here is when we walked down Main Street to go to the local ice cream shop! Everyone thought it was delicious, except Jaxon, who just thought it was fun. He has the BEST Relationship with food, and no matter what it is, or how good it tastes, if he's not hungry, HE'S NOT INTERESTED! Wouldn't that be nice???

HURRAY!! On to my quick trip to Utah! I went up for a dear friends wedding, and in the process got to get together with several other dear friends, and do some tie business to boot!
The first day there Jaxon and I got together with sweet sweet Lindsay and her awesome band of boys! We took the boys to McDonalds where they organized a large and detailed game of "Star wars fight guy teams" with all the kids there. Lindsay and I happily chatted for AN HOUR AND A HALF while the guys played! LOVE IT!
Then they treated us to Krispy Kreme's where the boys showed their commraderie while watching the donut conveyer belt!
The secret set up...
Jaxon and his best buddy...
Here are the few pictures that I took in Wyoming that were NOT taken on my big camera. This first one is Jaxon and his two cousins Peyton and Hailey. They would come to our room every afternoon to play while their little sis took a nap in their room. Here they were playing "Vampires" and they are sleeping in their coffins. Morbid, yes. But cute none the less!
Here is when we walked down Main Street to go to the local ice cream shop! Everyone thought it was delicious, except Jaxon, who just thought it was fun. He has the BEST Relationship with food, and no matter what it is, or how good it tastes, if he's not hungry, HE'S NOT INTERESTED! Wouldn't that be nice???
HURRAY!! On to my quick trip to Utah! I went up for a dear friends wedding, and in the process got to get together with several other dear friends, and do some tie business to boot!
The first day there Jaxon and I got together with sweet sweet Lindsay and her awesome band of boys! We took the boys to McDonalds where they organized a large and detailed game of "Star wars fight guy teams" with all the kids there. Lindsay and I happily chatted for AN HOUR AND A HALF while the guys played! LOVE IT!
Then they treated us to Krispy Kreme's where the boys showed their commraderie while watching the donut conveyer belt!
Next up, One of the most beautiful and love-filled weddings in history! My dear friend Laurie who goes all the way back to Freshman year in Taylor Hall got married to a wonderful man named Nate! Everything about it was beautiful, and special, and personal, and it just filled me with love the whole day! I didn't whip out my camera for a picture with the bride (Though there were some taken so I will get them as soon as I can) but I DID get it out for a picture with My dear friend Amy, also from Freshman year! I swear these girls get more beautiful with every passing year (and I hate to admit HOW MANY have passed since Freshman year at BYU...)
It was fun to stick to Amy like glue the whole day, since I didn't know anyone else, and she endured it like a champ!!!
Saturday before we left for home, I got to get together with dear friends MICHELLE and BETH, who if you can believe it, go all the way back to 4th GRADE!!! They were my first friends when I moved to California. After I moved to AZ, we lost contact for a while, but thanks to Facebook we are back in touch, and also thanks to FB, we had breakfast together! We had to get a picture together in front of this hilarious (But OH. SO. DELICIOUS.!!!) crepe restuarant in Orem. It has a giant owl out front, and a tree growing right in the middle of the restuarant. Can you say "Crepes with Nutella, strawberries, and bananas????)
Finally before we left we walked around campus one more time...
Here are grandpa and Jaxon in the underground library, which I believe is the second biggest library in the United States, after the library of Congress!
Not always scholars though.... they are best friends!
On the way out of town, we had to get the compulsory pictures with the cougar!
"Look Mom! He's eating my arm!"
This summer has been so fun, and such a whirlwind, and this last Utah trip was the perfect way to wrap it up before school starts, but we AREN'T talking about THAT....remember????