Jaxon Says...
"Mom, you're being irritating."
"Did you just call me irritating?"
"yeah...what does irritating mean?"
(Dave was grilling our dinner and J was helping...)
"Dad! We should leave the grill on all the time! That way if a bad guy came we could HOT HIS HEAD OFF!"
(Hot his head off? What exactly is that???)
We are happy, healthy and busy! We just got about 15,000 ties delivered to the warehouse...so look for some awesome new fabrics up on the website in a few weeks!
Goings On...
Here J is laying on the floor in my bedroom (Naked, or I would have included the whole picture) playing my ipod and waiting for me to get out of the shower!...Oh yes...he just had had several otter pops...his new summer favorite! Also---sporting his new buzz...down to a 1 baby!

This is Jaxon with his cousin Hailey. If you saw them out and about you would think they were siblings. 1. Because they look A LOT alike. And 2. Because they fight almost as well as they play- and that's a lot! Here's a good day-

Hailey was trying to teach Jaxon how to "shake his booty" Sorry bud, you got your dad's Hips and Dancing genes...as in NONE OF EITHER!!! :o)

Here's Jaxon with another good buddy Brailyn! They could play all day, and Brailyn is shockingly patient with playing "Boy" games, being wrestled, and apparently squeezed to death!
Letter a Day
(Including getting the craft ready, letter of the day usually takes about 20-30 minutes....TOTALLY DO-ABLE!!!)
So here is what we do everyday-
1. We have flashcards that have a separate card for upper and lower case. On the backs of each card is a picture of something that starts with that letter. (Got them at Walmart- they're great!)
So...say we were doing the letter A- we would use the flash cards and say this little rhyme/song-
Big A, Little a, What begins with 'ahh' (say the sound not the name this time)
(then I turn the card over so he can see the pictures on the back)
Ant and Alligator , Ahh. Ahh. Ahh.
Everyday we say that rhyme for all previous letters, then do the letter of the day.
2. I got this Crayola book also at Walmart. Since Jaxon is 4, he practices 4 letters per line. (You will see a finished page in a second...)
3. We use our window crayons and draw a little and big letter in each of the 5 colors.
4. I didn't take a picure for this, but #4 is that Jaxon can pick any of his books from his shelf, and we have to find the letter 5 times. At least one has to be a capital letter. Occasionally I have to help him, but usually he does a great job!
5. CRAFT! I just got online one day and spent about an hour searching for crafts that start with each letter. They are seriously simple. If you have markers/crayons, glue, and paper, you can do most of them.
In the picture below is fingerprint ANTS, BEAR mask, CARROT, DINOSAUR, ELEPHANT, and FISH. Jaxon loves the craft and he will do all the other things with no complaints to get to it! It also shows the printing work he has done for each craft. He loves looking at his work, and I highly recommend displaying it!
We then have a paper pinned to the wall (not pictured, sorry) that has all 26 letters on it, in order. And we got some letter stickers at the dollar store. When we finish our letter each day, he gets to find it in the stickers, and cover that letter on the wall. When we are done with all 26 we are going to go to Sunsplash...or something like that. This way he can see how close we are to finishing, and doesn't pester me about it. It also helps with counting and subtracting, because everytime we put a new letter sticker up, he figures out how many we have done, and how many we have left!