For the Love!

No seriously. My heart skips a beat when I look at this kid...and I'm pretty sure it's going to happen to a lot of swooning girls throughout his school years. Here are a couple of my favorites from his "Back to School"...or in his case, just..."To School" shoot we did today. We bribed him with a pocket full of quarters...everytime he followed directions Dave put one from his "Money Pocket" to "Jaxon's Pocket" and it worked out pretty well!
There are lots of great ones, and probably more to come but it's late!
PS- Dave was a rock star, such great help, and followed directions AT LEAST as well as Jaxon! I know Dave hates the sun, and pictures, so it was double-y great service!


The Ferrells said...

Oh, my gosh--get out the bat to beat the girls away. What cute pictures. How about an 8 x 10 of my choice?

AnnaMarie said...

How cute...can't wait to see more!

Sarah said...

Oh my goodness.
I absolutely love that second shot.
His outfit, his pose, his expression, the vibrant colors for the composition...
I could keep going.
It's fabulous.
And he is so very handsome. Just melts my heart.
Love you guys.

AnnaMarie said...

And I think, in contrast to getting you and your camera along, we've lost Mom & Dad coming next week...fares are too high. But when they come, I hope you do too! I won't stop suggesting it! :)