Yellowstone: Survived

We are back at base camp at my parents condo in Provo before Jax and I fly out to Miami tomorrow. What does that mean? A week of camping in Yellowstone in complete! Here is a few lists I made about camping...

list of important things I learned in Yellowstone...
1. I can (and will) do almost anything to spend a week with Dave's wonderful family...even if Dave is not there.
2. Dave's family is kind, loving, generous, helpful, hilarious, busy, active, sympathetic, and did I mention, Kind and Loving?
3. I still don't like camping.
4. Well, let me amend that last statement- I do not like sleeping in a tent when it is freezing ( in, below 32 degrees) and I don't like being in a wet, muddy camp.

List of things I actually liked about camping....
1. Not caring a whit if Jaxon was helped him fit right in!
2. One shower a week
3. No make-up- never looking in a mirror
4. Wearing cruddy/comfortable clothes everyday
5. Sitting around a campfire in the dark
6. Living in close contact with great friends/sisters
7. Exploring
8. Wildlife so close (I can say this because we never saw a bear near camp!)
9. Watching Jaxon have the time of his life with 4 other boy cousins right arund his age.
10. Not actually running a brush or comb through my hair for 3 days. Just unbraiding, smoothing the top layer down, and re-braiding.

List of things I DID NOT like about camping...
1. Being cold while sleeping. Really, nothing I did could really make me feel totally warm...and believe me, I tried!
2. Jaxon being cold while sleeping. This was our camping demise...more to come...
3. A LOT of rain making camp wet, muddy, and cold for the second half of the trip.
4. Being stuck in a tent in the middle of the day, during 2 hours of crazy heavy rain, hail, thunder and lightning (even though it was with 5 of Jaxon's girl cousins, all 5 of which I'm pretty sure he had crushes on, and their wonderful parents)
5. Jaxon being cold at while sleeping..did I mention this...yeah, it lead to the worst night of my life on joke...more to come...

I'm being kicked off the condo more to come on the worst night of my life!

Parting words on camping, and in particular--this trip, I would do it again in a heartbeat!


The Gentry's said...

Being cold is the WORST when camping!! One time when I was camping, I shook uncontrollably all night. Needless to say I got NO sleep!! I can only imagine mixing a child into that! Have fun in Miami!

Dust said...

I feel the exact same way, but I'm not sure I would do it again. At least in Yellowstone. I'm talking Hawaii :) Enjoy Miami and be sure to let us know how it goes!

Alexandra Robertson said...

hey ashley, this ia Alex Robertson, sarah's sister in law, i have heard of this very cold camping trip and yeah....i don't like camping either!are you on facebook? lets get in touch!