Behold, my two new favorite pictures of Jaxon and I! I don't know my SIL did it (thank you Emily, Thank you!!!) but look at the genuine smile on that boys' face...and he is not even (visibly) squirming to get away from me!!! This is from our fantastic trip to the zoo yesterday. It was PERFECT weather...about 68 degrees and overcast. It was pretty empty- and Jaxon, Hailey, and Katie loved it. Jaxon and Hailey do pester each other to no end (read: a 10 minute arguement about why Hailey wouldn't give Jaxon back his PRETEND airplane) but they are also apparently madly in love and going to be married! (more on that to come.) Also, I try not to plug my
photo blog too often, but I just posted a reflection pic I took of a really cool family today...check it out, it's definately in my top 5 all-time favorites!

they're beautiful. and i totally thought you were leaving this past thursday! doh. i'm going to send you an email...
cute pics. :)
Love the pics.
You guys are so adorable.
Oh, and I keep meaning to call you and ask for the email of the FHE ideas list thingy.
Hopefully I'll get in contact w/ you before you're in China.
Love you.
You guys are so cute! I miss hanging out with you guys and wish that we had weather that nice! Oh well, someday...
Love your hat by the way. Looks great on you!
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