I'm One Lucky Girl!

Well, as I am pulling out of my funk, it is really touching me to think about how lucky I am to have the people in my life that I do.
-Did daddy duty all by himself yesterday evening so I could go hear Susan Easton Black speak on Brigham Young. (She was my FAVORITE!! prof. at BYU- more to come on this...)
-Let me sleep in this morning till I woke up on my own at 8:30. Took Jaxon to the store, to grocery shop and also give me peace and quiet.
-Always does the dishes and folds most of the laundry...rarely having to be asked!

Jaxon- Come on!!! Everything he does (well..95%) makes me grateful!!!
Last night he cried when I wasn't there to sing him a song goodnight and made Dave promise to have me come in, get him out of bed, and rock him while singing a song! You bet I did it!

- Went with me to hear Susan Easton Black speak, and because I didn't have time to go home and put on a skirt, she went in jeans too, just so we could feel uncomfortable together, I really think that is love!
- Calculated EVERYTHING I need for food storage-- as in amounts, number of cans, and cost.
Then she canned some of it at the cannery for me, and we are going to continue to switch babysitting/canning until we both have our whole year supply (more on this later too!)
- Comes every week to my aqua class, so she can "WOO HOO!" and support me, even though she would rather be working out on land!

-Is letting me do her engagement AND wedding pictures!
-Invited me to dress shop with her yesterday- boy was that fun, and nostalgic, and she will certainly be one of the most beautiful brides in existence!!!

- Comes to my aqua class faithfully!!
- Is so much fun to chat with- never a dull moment
- So smart and whitty, always keeps me laughing
- Is so fun to plan Ned's shower with!


CJB said...

thanks for the honorable mention. i love that you keep up your blog regularly. Glad you felt your fans cheering for you to come out of your funk. I hate the funk. See you at aqua on Tuesday!

AnnaMarie said...

I'm glad you have all your people close. :)

Emily Ferrell said...

I agree with you on every category. You are definitely blessed to have so many wonderful people in your life. But we are blessed to have you in our lives too. Don't forget that you are pretty awesome yourself.

Sarah said...

You are awesome, Ash. You have such a great attitude. You are always a great example to me of how to be better. I love that you mention how wonderful others are to you.
And I'm glad that other people take such good care of you. And love you so much.
I loved Jaxon's request. So sweet.
Thanks for posting.
I love you.

ThePalmers said...

I am just reading your post again for about the 10th time. Thanks- it makes me feel really good. Love you Sis!

Cicily said...

I'm glad you're out of your funk and that you have good people to help you out. Will I see you on Friday?