My friend Clint!

This post may seem seems strange even to me, but never-the-less, here we go. My good friend Clint (my good friend through Dave, who was best friends with Clint and "the crew" in high school) said the other day, that his wife will never ever do a blog about him, the way I have about Dave a few times. I really like the guy, so I said, "Hey, I will do it!" I don't think he really believed me, so here goes---
Things I like about Clint-
1. He is very verbal about liking me better than Dave!
2. He is very funny, without trying to be too funny!
3. He is one of the few guys who talks exponentially more than his wife (Jarrod will join this catagory if/when he gets married!)
4. He is SUPER smart!
5. He knows a lot, but doesn't make you feel like an idiot for knowing less!
6. His wife rocks!

NOw I will take a stab at some information about Clint and Malia--I cannot verify any of this information!-

1. Who is the man? Clint
2. How long have they been together? 7 years?
4. How old is Clint? 28

1. Who eats more? Clint- Malia eats like a bird!
2. Who said "I love you" first? I would guess Clint
3. Who weighs more? Come on now... lets be serious!
4. Who sings better? Ummm...I guess I'll go with Malia!
5. Who's Older? Clint, he graduated a year before Malia!
6. Who's smarter? I would be in trouble no matter how I answered this question- they are both very smart...but in Malia's defense, I think she was valadictorian or something like that!

7. Who's temper is worse? I'll go with Malia
8. Who does the laundry? Again, I venture a guess with Malia
9. Who does the dishes? Clint???

11. Who's feet are bigger? Clint
12. Who's hair is longer? Malia's, and Clint made fun of her when she cut bangs, which I thought were really cute!
13. Who's better with the computer? Not a clue.
14. Who mows the lawn? Clint- he used to own a lawn service, so I bet he knows lots of lawn cutting tricks and techniques!
15. Who pays the bills? Malia?
19. Who's the most stubborn? They are both pretty stubborn~!

So there you co Clint, I hope this has brightened your day!


THE TAASE'S said...

Aww, that's nice of you Ashley. I remember Clint very well from high school and he was all of the things you said! He was always so nice to me and his big smile stands out in my head when I think about him. Bet Clint appreciated your blog!

Momma Malia said...

okay ash. you did pretty well on the answers. i'll correct a few of them on my blog. you'll make clint feel great, and i had a great laugh!!

Papa Clint said...

Dave yelling at Ashley, "Look Ashley if you like the guy so much why don't you marry him???" This would then be followed up by Dave taking off his shirt and driving over to Mary Petterborg's house in his newly purchased Miata. Thanks for the compliments and sorry to cause all of the marital strife to come. Be easy on her Dave.