"I think Im falling in love..."

Okay, this is TOO cute not to blog. Today my sis-in-law Emily called with a strange request. Could Jaxon please ride to the airport with my dad when he picks their family up from the airport. Her 6 year old daughter was BEGGING her to have Jaxon come, and this was their conversation this morning-
Peyton: Mom, I think Im falling in love with Jaxon
Emily: He's your cousin, your not allowed to fall in love with him
Peyton: But I love him so much
Emily- It's good to love your cousins! You just can't be "in Love" with them...
Peyton- But Mom, I think he's falling in love with me too!
EMily- Why do you think that?
Peyton- Because when I'm around, I'm his favorite! Im the only one he wants to play with.

I think that is hilarious. Also, last week Emily told me that Peyton had a certain ammount of money to take to school to the Christmas store to by her family presents. She begged for extra money to by Jaxon one, but her mom said no. Peyton, being the independent 6 year old that she is threated to use all the money she was supposed to use on her family, to by one present for Jaxon. When she could see that that was not going to fly, she came home and told her mom that she was just going to give the present that she bought for her 3 year old sister to Jaxon instead. Again she was told no, and has been begging ever since to buy him a present.
In her defense, Jaxon LOVES her to death! Im not sure what it is, but she still thinks of him as a baby, and asks to hold him and feed him his bottle (sippy) normally Jaxon would absolutely revolt, but for Peyton, he lays still in her lap and lets her baby him! What a pair!


Elise said...

Oh my gosh, that is hilarious! Kids are so sweet, it cracks me up. This story kind of reminds me of when Thomas said that he would like to be able to be a girl sometimes. Um, no. But, it was an innocent request-- he thought our family was too uneven with all the boys!

Your photography looks awesome!

I had so much fun seeing you-- I'm seriously going to start calling you once a month because I refuse to believe that we can't be BFFs because we live too far away! And let's plan a Vegas girl's weekend sometime, eh? I adore you! Marry Christmas!

Elise said...

I mean MERRY Christmas, geez.

Cicily said...

Kids are so funny, I love what they can come up with. You gotta love that she can have that much persuasion over Jaxon. I hope you have a great Christmas.

Brandis said...

That's so cute! :)