Time for another wacky dream. This one was not quite as strange, but it really disturbed me. Last night was my bunco group that doesn't actually play bunco. It's the coolest group of girls you ever met, and they just get it. I don't know how else to describe it...anyways...We sat and chatted late into the night around a fire, so I got home and went to bed about 12:30. I swear as soon as I started dreaming, this dream started, and continued until I woke up. I dreamed that at bunco, we all were going around the circle telling something that had happened in our lives that had been monumental. Then, we had to take a shot. (By the way, none of us at bunco are drinkers so this is where it started getting "wacky") After the shot, there was a tattoo artist there to give you a tattoo to commemorate your monumental occasion if you wanted. Well, never having drunk before, I was gone after the first shot, and started getting some major tattoos. This happened 24, YES, 24 more times. My back was covered in tattoos from my neck, all the way down to my lower back. At the time I thought it was really cool to have all these occasions documented on my body, but as I was driving home (yes, driving drunk apparently, but hey, its a dream!) realized what I had done and that I was going to have to tell Dave, and start going through the painful, extensive, and EXPENSIVE proceedures to get all my tattoos removed. When I got home I woke Dave up and showed him and he was so disappointed in me. I also realized that other loved ones were going to start noticing, and I was crushed. Anyway, my dream took me through several days, and different people finding out about the tattoos and being so let down, and then I finally, FINALLY woke up for real. Well, when I woke up I was practically in tears, and went to the mirror to see how bad the damage actually was. Imagine my surprise and elation to find my back unmarred!!!! Still, you know when you wake up and you just can't quite shake the dream...I swear I had anxiety for a few hours after that, having momentary lapses or memory and worrying about my back. ANYWAY- Again, please feel free to disect this dream...am I afraid of tattoos, or worried that I am letting people down? Maybe my subconscious is telling me I need to stroll down memory lane more often...????
1 comment:
I think it means that you are worried about letting the meaningful things in your life slip away, and that perhaps you feel the need to do drastic things every once in a while to shake it up. Sounds like you need to pull out your journal. That dream is almost an extreme exaggeration of Pres. Eyring's talk! I think maybe you should start getting a tattoo every time you receive a blessing. Thats a funny dream! And I have no idea what it means other than that you have a very active mind at night! :)
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