So, I have to admit it, my sis Amber talked me into trying out for "who wants to be a millionaire" with her this morning. I woke up at 4 am to get ready, pick her up, and drive to Wild Horse Pass Casino. We waited outside for a few hours, then inside for a few more before we got to the test area. There there 30 questions, and we were both pretty positive that we had answered at least 25 of 30 correct. Compared to the dingbats we had around us, we knew we were on to the next stage (interviews) for sure. Well, guess who didn't make it through? Both of us!!! Out of 200 people in the room, I'd say somewhere between 10 and 15 made it. Oh well, it was a fun experience and great to spend some quality time with my sister. Of course, I photo documented it for blog purposes.
PS for those of your scoffing that Amber had to "convince" me to try out, I swear its true, I think my gaming days are over, and it is truely out of my system!
I still think it was your idea...Fun House Girl. :)
How fun is that! I'm sure they didn't pick you because you were just too smart. They can't just give away the million, you know.
Hey Ashley-
I'm so glad found your blog. I've been thinking about you lately. How are you guys doing? Your little boy is adorable. We should get together sometime.
I'm just up the street from where we grew up now. My girls are turning 3 and 5 next month. My oldest is in all day kindergarten. Email me and we can catch up, or meet up for lunch.
You should have used a life-line and called me. I'm really smart. No seriously, I'm pretty much a genius.
That is so funny that you went to try out. I've always thought about going to tryouts for a game show but never had the nerve. How funny.
So I'm going to start selling Christmas decorations and some halloween and thanksgiving stuff. It's really cute so I'll let you know when that starts so you can see how cute the stuff is.
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