My Boy!

Today Dooper the prairie dog made his 2008 debut at singing time at the mall, to Jaxon's eternal happiness. Jaxon got a free (shrill) whistle and a t-shirt to boot! Jaxon calls him "dooky" which to anyone who grew up in the 90's should be pretty funny, especially when he is running through the mall like a mad man yelling "DOOKY! DOOKY!" at the top of his lungs. Between his favorite past-time (Dooky) and his favorite friend (Kalle) it was a red letter day for sure!!!
Also, a picture of Jaxon when he crawled into his cousin Kalle's baby doll crib...something Amber said Kalle has never thought of in all the time she has had the toy... you gotta give him credit for creativity!

1 comment:

Colburns said...

he is getting so handsome! I am sad we missed that at the singing time, I teach on thurs mornings now.