just get used to it!

I know that I used to upload tons of pics of jax, and it is going to start again now that I have my camera...sorry, he is my most "convenient" subject! (which is really relative because he never stands still!) Anyway, here is day one with the new camera!


Tyler said...

Glad that Jaxon and Gilligan are doing well. Katie says hello. It snowed about a foot yesterday already....

Cicily said...

Super cute pictures, your kiddo is a doll. Good thing that camera snaps the pictures quick so you can keep up with him.

Layne and Kelly Nelson said...

These pictures are great! The camera was obviously a good choice! Thanks for your email by the way, it was VERY helpful! Though I don't know if you mentioned the exact model of your camera. I'm not rushing out to buy one today, but it's on my list.