I am allergic to raw eggs. How funny that after all these years it took me finding out more about egg allergies through Jaxon's experiences to find that out. It also took me getting deathly ill this morning by eating two very very runny sunny side up eggs... YUCK!!! The thought is enough to, well...I already did that!

Where did my baby go? He is talking (not quick walking...) and definately has his own personality. He loves to tease and play, throw and chase, and he is all boy.


Robin said...

I am glad to have another fellow blogger friend. Especially since I don't know how much longer I'll be in the ward. One tip. If you are afraid of weirdos on the internet exclude last names from your blog. That's what I do. Some people go as far as not using any first names and only using first letters or nicknames, I haven't gotten that paranoid yet.

Elise said...

SO AWESOME, ASHLEY!! I love that you are blogging! I'm linking you on my blog (hope you don't mind!).

Your family is adorable!