All the things I love About Jaxon...

...and don't want to forget.

~When we get somewhere, he jumps out of the backdoor so he can hurry and open mine. Then, trying to be a gentleman, he takes my hard to help me out of the car, but mostly just ends up pulling and saying, "COME ON MOM!"
~The way he pretends to like candy...but doesn't
~The way he sings at the top of his lungs when he thinks no one is listening...thank Heaven for baby monitors
~How he loves to make new friends...and never learns their names.
~That he is seriously hilarious.  He knows it, and he likes it, but it comes naturally...he's just really funny!
~He has an "audiographic" memory. (I think I just made that word up...) he remembers EVERYTHING he hears, and even if he doesn't understand the meaning, will use it again later, in the correct context.
~He actually hangs his head when he is in's endearing...and I think he knows it usually gets him out of trouble too!
~I adore the way he moves! He NEVER walks anywhere! It's always a half run with a few hops and skips for good measure.
~Whenever Dave and I are sitting next to each other, Jaxon wedges himself in the middle.  The other day he said, "Move over! You're squishing me Family!"
~He LOVES To record his voice on our voice recorder, and giggles hysterically when he listens to it back.  He always ALWAYS sings a ridiculous made up song.
~He makes up words to tunes he already knows and sings them to us.
~The way he thinks that age, height, and size should all corrolate correctly.
~ That every night he prays for a "healthy baby" for our family.
~The way he wants to be just like Dave in EVERY way.(they are going to be Mario and Luigi for Halloween)
~He adores his "baby girl" cousins...and just can't leave them alone. He really just doesn't get it that his tackles, hugs, etc. are just too much for them.
Mostly I love that he is mine.  That we get to spend our days together. I've been thinking about this so much once your kids go to are really no longer their primary influence. They learn from their teachers, they take social cues from thier peers. It is rocking me to my core. I have a new determination to make this next year the best yet.  To take advantage of every second we have together.  I need constant reminders, but living life with Jaxon at the center is seriously heaven on earth. I absolutely adore him.

1 comment:

AnnaMarie said...

Very nicely said, Ashley.