
Jax and I just returned from a heavenly week in Minnesota.  The weather was Gorgeous (though not as cold as I was hoping/was told/packed for...) and the company was perfect!  Also, since I have Cricket as my cell provider, and they don't have service in Minnesota,  did not make or receive one call the WHOLE TIME, and it was AWESOME!!
  Jaxon is so easy and fun to travel with, it makes these trips so wonderful. 
It would be better if Dave could come on any of them, but I'll take what I can get...plus, Jaxon thinks I'm pretty swell when Dave isn't around...otherwise...I'm chopped liver!
Every trip to Southwest Terminal 4 has to start with Pizza hut...right?

   Tyler (my Bro) and AnnaMarie (my SIL) are always so quick to invite us out and open their home.  It was so great to get to see them. I sure wish they lived closer...but then...who would we visit???
  On Saturday we arrived midafternoon in jeans and long sleeve shirts, with Suitcases full of winter clothes...to 81 degrees and not a cloud in the sky!  If it were 81 here in Phoenix that's actually how we would all be dressed, but there, everyone was wearing shorts and t-shirts basking in the exteme heat! 
    We drove straight to the Mall of America, and boy is it big!  We walked around, ate dinner (I think I got food poisoning from Qdoba) and went to the Aquarium!
Jaxon and Katie at the Aquarium

Looking at the awesome Jellyfish!

The next day was Sunday, so it was super low-key.  We got up and lounged around while the kids played with each other, read books, and played in Tyler and AnnaMarie's A-MAZ-ING backyard!  During Sacrament meeting Katie went to sit with her Nursery teacher, and wonderful older Korean lady.  Jaxon followed suit and went back as well. Katie came back after about 3 minutes, but Jaxon was thoroughly enjoying himself, and stayed with them the whole time!
  We came home, had some quiet time, madee homemade pizzas.  We quickly learned that Jaxon and katie are VERY MUCH ALIKE..and that can make for the best of friends...or some serious shouting matches! They love each other, and push each other's buttons!

Monday we went to Ammodt's Apple Orchard. Tyler was less than impressed, but Jaxon still talks about it and says it was his favorite thing.  We walked in the orchard, (not picking season though, boo...) we played on the swings,
Did a hay maze-
Looked at the single goat in the petting zoo..( and by petting, I assume they mean through the fence...)
Rode in the tractor ring-

and watched some bees making honey (I assume...)

And then...the very best! We went into their apple Bakery! Jaxon got two free apple donuts because he told them he came all the way from Arizona to come to their apple "portrait". And boy does that kid love Donuts (Just like his grandpa!)
  Then we ate our packed lunch in a converted Apple barn which the kids thought was pretty snazzy, and tyler thought was pretty sneezy!  After that we went to pick out an apple treat- of all the treats- candy apple, caramel apple, Apple pie, Apple Crisp, Apple ice cream, Apple/honey taffy.... Jaxon chose...another donut!  (Did I mention he loves donuts?) I had a delicious piece of apple pie!

We took a few pictures outside and off we went-


Monday night we roasted hotdogs and marshmellows around their firepit, and kicked the soccer ball around in the gorgeous fall weather! It was the PERFECT FALL DAY!!!

Blogger is being absolutely ridiculous and won't let me upload any pictures straight into the blog, because it says they aren't Jpegs...WHICH THEY ARE! Im having to upload them all through photobucket and it is taking FOREVER!!! So this post, is TO BE CONTINUED!!!


Sherri Macdonald said...

Funny thing happened yesterday while I was volunteering at Boulder Creek. This lady started talking about her trip to Minn and about how funny it was that she saw her aerobics instructor on the same flight. Imagine her suprise when I knew it was you! She was shocked and then the copy ladies when on this long "it's a small world" talk and "how many degrees to know common people" thing. It was funny to see their faces! Just thought I'd let you know what a kick I got out of it!

Anonymous said...

That was TRISH! I love her! The other funny thing about that was that she was flying to Minnesota to see her best friend that just moved there...that also used to take my class. Imagine the friend's surprise when I got off the Airplane with Trish! Small World Indeed!

Marie said...

Looks like a fab trip. It totally looks like you're not wearing a shirt in the second to last picture, but I assume you are. Funny - very funny.

AnnaMarie said...

LOL about the no-shirt comment above. I don't think I'll be able to look at that picture again without giggling.

I forgot that we were supposed to be able to actually pet the animal.

And about how Jaxon sat with Sister Quinn the whole meeting. Fun times.

You MUST come back and visit this winter. With Dave! DO IT!

Anonymous said...

It was "shirts Optional" day at the Apple Orchard...why do you think I had to kids on my lap for the picture?