WHAT A DAY! I woke up at 4:20 this morning to get to the dentist with Jaxon by 5am. He was going to have some extensive dental work done, and he was their youngest patient, so he got to see the anesthesiologist and dentist first.
He got his knock-out shot in the leg while I held him, and he was out and drooling on my arm within two minutes. I then passed him over to the anesthesiologist who carried him into the room while I went to wait in the lobby. For the next two hours I got regular updates that he was doing great, and out like a light.
At right around 7 they came and got me so I could be with him when he woke up. They had filled 5 cavities, and put caps on 4 of those 5 teeth. (Let me interject that we have NEVER let Jaxon go to bed with any kind of bottle and we are VERY vigilant about teeth brushing...PLEASE DON'T JUDGE US!) So obviously, quite a lot of work done. (Let me also interject that all visible caps are tooth colored...so we don't have a white trash baby on our hands!)
The doctors said he would have a long day between coming out of anesthesia and the pain in his mouth. He said to alternate Motrin and Tylonol as soon as he could keep it down. When Jaxon woke up, he was totally delirious. He would switch between sobbing, sleeping, making the strangest noises, and talking total jibberish, all within a minutes time span. We finally got to leave, and on the way home it was more of the same. He was sleeping, then sobbing, and I was saying "You're all right Jaxon. You're all right." Then, the only non-jibberish thing he said for the next 2 hours- "NONSENSE MOM! I am NOT okay!!!" Then he immediately Konked out.
At home he fell asleep on me and slept that way for the next two hours. When he woke up he was well past the time that I couldn't give him water or juice, so he got both and did really well...except for the fact that he could not find his mouth with the sippy to save his life. I had to keep helping him.
He was so woozy, and unstable though. If it wasn't for being a worried mother, it would have been a lot more funny. He couldn't keep his head up, so if he tried to pick it up off my shoulder, it would fall all the way back. When we were walking to get his juice he tried to pick his head up, it fell back, and he started laughing so hard. He said, "Hey Mom! MY HEAD IS SPINNING!!!"
I laid him on the couch so I could put in a DVD, and he promptly fell right off! He didn't seem to upset, just a little dazed.
We went to get a smoothie and then I needed to stop at the park for Ward Play Group since that is my calling. Jaxon tried to go up the jungle gym (while I was NOT being a good mother and was talking) and fell right off the top. Didn't even cry. Just came and sat in my lap and said he wanted to go home. Which we did.
To finish the story, he was a champ all day. Terrible balance and wobbly, but never once complained about any mouth pain. I didn't give him any medicine, and he took a 3 hour nap!
I was prepared for a horrible day, but it never came. I got to take a nice long nap during Jaxon's. Pretty much all the way until tonight he was a little off balance. Dave said when he came to get Jaxon at the gym (he had to go to kids club for about 10 minutes while I taught and Dave was on his way from work) that as Jaxon was running to him, he ran straight into a gate. Also tonight he still speaking a little jibberish on his way to bed, and really thought he was hysterically funny. All in all, a red letter dentist day!