The Best Yet...I Promise!

Okay, this one I am still laughing out loud about...
Today I was chopping veggies, so I put Jaxon on a chair by the counter and let him play with soapy water, pans, measuring cups etc. The cleanup is just soapy water, and he loves it! He also wanted to pretend to cook, so he got the "throw aways" from all my veggies...stems, cores, ends, etc. which he mixed into his "cake" that he was making.
Here's the funny part. He was teasing me and pretending to drink the soapy--veggie water, and I told him how gross it would be. Of course, needing to find out for himself, he took a huge slurp. Then he started gargling the words to "Kiss me through the Phone" but instead of saying, "BABY, kiss me through the phone" It was "Mommy, Kiss me through the phone"! And at the end of this, giant soap bubbles were pouring out of his mouth! I ran to get my camera, but by the time I got back, he had realized that soapy vegetable water is in fact, gross, and was doing his best to spit the taste out of his mouth. He did see what a huge, hilarious reaction he got from me when he started singing "Kiss me through the phone.." so he has been singing it ever since. I REALLY need to be careful what we listen to in the car, becuase obviously, he is listening. That vision of Jaxon gargling bubbles and singing that song will never leave me. Priceless.


ThePalmers said...

That really is so cute... what a darling!

Sarah said...

That is a great story.
We love Jaxon stories.
And I love the idea of letting kids do pretend-baking while you're cooking dinner.

But I have to admit, I don't know the song "Kiss Me Through The Phone". Is it any good?

Marie said...

Love it. Good thing you're writing all these things down. You'll be able to write a book.