For Pete's Sake, part II

I have resigned myself to the fact that those who read my blog (and comment) are cheapskates who care more about saving a buck than saving my life. Thanks you guys...thanks for nothing! I jest, I jest! We have been opening the windows morn and eve, keeping the fans on, and the blinds closed. But guess what? April is just around the corner, and then, "DANG THE MAN!" AC- here we come!!! MWA-HA-HA-HA-HA (imagine an evil laugh and me rolling my hands in little circles with one eyebrow up!)


AnnaMarie said...

I have a hard time feeling concern...I'm still spending $150/month to heat our place! :)

Momma Malia said...

hey, we turn on our ac (okay, kenny's ac) at night. for one, we can't open our windows because there are about 10 dogs and a train right outside that will keep brailyn from sleeping. also, clint HATES being hot. i just wish we could have had the heat on when it was in the fifties in the house and i'm trying to keep brailyn warm at night! oh well, i guess saving money is good and all, but i agree. when it comes to your life or the life of your child, screw saving a few bucks. 79 degrees is not going to break the bank!!

Emily Ferrell said...

I am definitely with you Ash! I can't stand to be in a hot house. So go ahead and turn the a/c on. I've got your back and you know I could probably take Dave!

Layne and Kelly Nelson said...

I'm with you all the way Ashley! You may need to enter renegotiations with Dave about this AC thing before next year.

Matt said...

Whoa, whoa. I'm totally in your corner. We refer to Dave in our house as "AC Nazi". We sympathize and are super happy that April will be here in a few short hours. Perhaps you can hang out at the mall until then. :)

Sarah said...

Uh... whoops. I didn't realize that Matt was still signed in. The last comment was from me. But I'm sure Matt agrees w/ me.

Elise said...

Yes, turn on that AC!!! I can't stand being hot!

I love those pictures of Jax at the water-- you are getting SO good, Ash!! When you're in Utah, I'm going to have you take our pics. I love that you are doing what you love-- it definitely shows.

I need to be better at catching up on the blogs... sorry! But, I do love you!!! :)

The Hoopers said...

I turned our AC on a few times this last week, but pregnant wife trumps cheap hubby at my house!!lol