ho. ly. crap.

I just read an article, and this statement from our United States President-

"I'm going to be making a big speech to young people all across the country about the importance of education; about the importance of staying in school; how we want to improve our education system and why it’s so important for the country. So I hope everybody tunes in."

Does anyone, ANYONE think that this speech will be solely educational, with no propaganda or self/project promoting? Yeah, I didn't think so...

President Obama will be making this speech next week. And guess what? This speech will be televised to the students AT SCHOOL! NOT at home with their parents to discuss what is said...everything that is heard will first be heard from President Obama's standpoint, then the teachers standpoint, then the kids will undoubtedly talk about it. So parents, Congratulations! You will be 4th on the list to talk to your child about what is said...I mean...that is if they remember or want to talk to you about, since you will not actually have seen it yourself! His SUPER LEFT WING LIBERAL staff is MAKING LESSON PLANS for ALL GRADE LEVELS that will be sent to schools. This includes leading questions during and after the speech....uh...WHAT????

So, as for the "...How we want to improve our education system..."

...Maybe he will talk about how he poured Millions of dollars into our education system with the Cash for Clunkers program...wait...no...that's not right...

...Maybe he will talk about he is going to pour millions of dollars into our education system with the upcoming cash for appliances program...wait...that's not it either...

...Maybe he'll talk about all the money he has designated to get classroom sizes smaller, teachers back to work, districts out of debt, aids back in the classroom,...wait, what????...he hasn't done that either?

Well then....what on earth could he possibly have to say that I would want my children to hear?
(Yes, I am feeling fiesty this morning...)


Lizzie said...


fish said...

would you keep your kids home from school that day?

ThePalmers said...

WOW- you are fiesty!

ThePalmers said...

speaking of cash for clunkers... you should see this you tube video:


Anonymous said...

Sherri, I think I would go to my kids classroom to watch it, and be there for ALL Instruction given before, during and after. That presents a problem if you have more than one in school...which I don't think you do...but...I think it is important to hear what is said, and who knows...maybe we'll all be pleasantly surprised... (highly unlikely, but anything is possible)
Well, now that I think about it, I'm not sure I would send them. I just don't know. Once they hear him say something (especially something YOU do NOT believe) it will be hard to unteach it...I mean...it will be coming from the President for PETE SAKE!

Sarah said...

Wow, I totally agree with you.
I can't imagine his message will be altruistic.
There will definitely be little seeds sown. And the parents don't get to know the content?
So not right.
I'd keep my kids home that day until I could read transcripts of the speech.
Why would we trust a politician?!?
They always had personal agendas. And children are too impressionable to allow direct contact (without knowledge of content).
Uh uh.
No way.
Not ok.

Wait, I actually just read your comment... I think attending the class with your child is a brilliant idea.
Good plan to be at ground zero for damage control.

Still, all in all, I'm not loving the idea of Mr. President addressing such young minds without full disclosure.

Emily Ferrell said...

Peyton's school is allowing the kids to go somewhere else and do an educational activity during the speech if parents don't want their child to listen. I am not sure what I am going to do but atleast her school is giving parents an option.

Jason and Kate said...


Roger and Stephnie said...

My son's school sent a note home saying that they were going to screen the speech first and then if they decide that it is appropriate to show at school, the kids have to have a permission slip signed by their parents to watch it. I think that's pretty darn good.