At least for today...

I feel like a superstar!

Some days (more often than not) I feel like the house would actually run better without me in it.
But not today- today was great!
Jaxon was fun, and funny and helpful.
I did 4 loads of laundry (But didn't fold them- that's Dave's job)
I made homemade taco soup in the crockpot and a batch of cornbread muffins.
I did all the dishes and loaded the dishwasher, and scoured the sink.
I cleaned (not just "cleared off") all the kitchen counters and table.
I swept (but not mopped- that's Dave's job. We are an equal opportunity household!)
I taught 2 gym classes.
I met my sister and her kids at Costco for shopping and lunch.
I ran errands at Target and didn't buy ANYTHING I didn't actually go for.
I got Jaxon's Halloween costume.
I read Jaxon 3 books.
I explained to Jaxon (in VERY vague terms ) what an episiotomy was...because her heard me talking about it on the phone and would't stop asking...
I made lunches (for tomorrow) for Dave, and Jax, and I.
So for today, I feel like a star!
PS- for anyone in my family, doesn't this picture look so much like mom and Grandma as young ladies?


Lizzie said...

awesome! I love days like that.

Marie said...

Hooray for you. Can you come do all of that at my house? I'm drowning over here!!!`

Marie said...

The Hooray for you is genuine - not sarcastic. After rereading it - it looked sarcastic. You are a super woman!!!

Valerie: said...

love how you run the show in your family!! Way to get a man to do more chores hehe Love Jaxon's costume. Is that what he will be this year? Will he get all sweaty walking around? Hopefully this year it will be even cooler than last but I have high hopes I think!!

Trish said...

I'm most impressed with not buying anything extra at Target. I always give in there! It's my kryptonite!

Brandis said...

I'd be interested to hear your explanation to a 3 year old boy of what an episiotomy is. That's stinkin' hilarious. You definitely deserve a cookie for the awesome day you had. :)

Sarah said...

Wow. You are a superstar!!!
What a productive day.
I love days like that.
My day was sorta productive. But yours just kicked my day's trash.
You rock.
When I grow up, I wanna be like you.

Anonymous said...

"Sometimes when mommy has a baby, the baby doesn't come out quite right and it makes her skin tear a little bit. It's okay, and the mommy is fine because the doctors make her all better."
And don't worry, he makes me "tell him the story" about 6 times a day...

amya said...

Wow! I am impressed. I'm finally starting to feel productive around here, but then the next day begins and I realize I haven't done much!!