MY BABY IS HERE!!! No, I'm not talking about the kind you incubate for 9 long months, nor the kind you lovingly adopt...I'm talking about the kind that takes awesome pictures and that I've been on the waiting list for 2 months for!!!! HURRAY! YIPPEE!!! Right after Jaxon's nap we are picking it up!!!!


Jen and Bryan said...

SHUT UP!!!!!!

Brandis said...

me & my dinky little older model canon (who shall remain anonymous) are insanely jealous. have a blast breaking that in!!

fish said...

do you throw a shower for a camera?

AnnaMarie said...

When did you win the lottery? And what are you doing with your old camera? Wow, Ashley!

Sarah said...

Super awesome! Congrats on the new addition to the family.
Can't wait to see the new cam.