My 2009 Word of the Year

My friend Ashley did this last year, and I thought it was such a good idea. She picked a WORD for the year, something all encompassing to work on and work towards. I have thought long and hard about my word, and I have chosen- BELIEVE. These are the things I am going to work on believing-

Believe that there is a plan for me, greater than I can understand, and better than I could plan for myself, and act accordingly-be grateful.
Believe that it is MY choice to be happy- and continue to BE HAPPY.
Believe in myself and my goals- they are worth the work and I am capable of achieving them.
Believe that people mean well- Look for the good, Give the benefit of the doubt, and don’t second guess.

Have a happy 2009, you better BELIEVE that I will!!!!


Lauryn said...

I like this idea a lot! Happy New Year Ashley! :)

Dust said...

You rock our world Ashley! And I totally love that we have the same word for the year. We must be kindred spirits! :) Oh, and Mel told me about the shirt incident with Dave (a black one that had white on the front...). Sweet for Dave, stinks for you. Love ya!

Brandis said...

That's a cool idea! Great choice of words too. "Believe" can encompass so many aspects of life. And as usual, cool picture! :)