Can't beat 31 cent scoop night!

Last night was 31 cent scoop night at Baskin Robbins so we decided to take the YW there for mutual! We knew we were in for a long wait, so my awesome counselor Marie brought a personal progress activity for the girls to do. (Marie and I have also been discussing our favorite Suck-awesome 80's and 90's enjoy!!!) While waiting an hour and ten minutes in line, we thoroughly discussed self-esteem, what it means and takes to be cool by the worlds standards, and how to be the best you! I'm making it sound a little cheesy, but it was actually SO FANTASTIC!!!! The girls had great insight and even the ones I worry about were so involved. Also a bonus--the 2 ladies behind us were eavesdropping the whole time and trying to get their eyes on our handout. After we were done I gave them one and talked to them for a while. They were SO impressed with the comments and positive self image of the girls that they wanted a little info about our church! They also couldn't believe that the girls were only 12-17!!! WAY TO GO YOUNG WOMEN!!! We let each girl get two scoops, and the whopping total of 32 scoops was 10 bucks and change! How awesome is that??? I uploaded this particular picture becuase their mint choc. chip is my FAV. FAV. FAV. and I had two scoops last night! (Uhh...I will start working on the abs again tomorrow!!!)


Marie said...

LOVE, LOVE, LOVE, LOVE the music!! I couldn't even read the post because I was enjoying the music so much!!!

Nedra Tietjen said...

Sounds like a fun night! I loved the message from Jax a couple of days ago. Thanks!

Brandis said...

You are responsible for me almost peeing my pants from laughing and I have tears in my eyes due to the shock and hilarity of getting onto your blog and hearing NKOTB. Thanks for that.

Lauryn said...

Oh sure... I'm not feeling well and don't make it to mutual - so you all go get icecream! hahah!

The Hoopers said...

I agree with Lauryn, the ONE night I'm not there....(Just kidding) I missed you all though! Yay for our awesome girls!!!

molly said...

Love the music! Way to be an awesome YW leader, and way to be a missionary :) You go girl

Momma Malia said...

okay, i need to find out when this almost free ice cream night is. better yet, is there one for paradise bakery cookies and brownies??

Brandis said...

Actually, mostly I was just being lazy and didn't want to type out the whole name of the band. Perhaps that's why they didn't last, the name is too long. But I do remember standing in line for Wild Waters in Boise when I was a pre-teen and hearing girls singing NKOTB songs and I LIKED it. :) And ps, give me a heads up next time it's 31 cent scoop night, I can't believe I missed out on that! And way to go for taking your gospel discussion into a public place. Sounds like you have a great group of girls! :)

Elise said...

What a great post! I think every ward, every CHURCH, in fact, needs YW leaders like you!!

Logan doesn't have a BR, which makes me want to move right this minute.

The Craig Family said...

That is so Awesome! I love your idea of the BR and Doing Personal Progress at the same time. I love it. Thanks for the idea. I will have to watch for when they do it again and drag all the YW there. You are an awesome leader! :)