Budgeting stinks!

Is there anyone who likes to budget??? We are cracking down on ours again, because we are doing everything possible to avoid any debt besides the house and school loans, but man, when you really get down to it, everything costs!!! It's amazing how many "little things" you don't budget for, and how those "little things" add up so darn quick. As much as it stinks, I am glad we are scrutinizing out finances so carefully, becuase it's a good eye-opener on how picking up just a few extras here and there, really do make a big difference. I guess for most all of us, there will never come a time where you just don't have to budget at all, your budget just gets progressively bigger. That reminds me, a 90 year-old hip great-granny I know just told me that her 60 year old son (whom she now lives with) put her on a budget, and she's pretty miffed. I guess when your 90, and raised up a successful son, you just figure you've earned the right to be budget free... one can only hope!


onehm said...

I'm with you on the budget...
I would love to be budget-free. But alas, that is not my reality. ;)

Cicily said...

Word up Ashley! Budgets stink, sadly I've come to realize when you don't live with your parents it's a fact of life. So unless I wanted to relocate to my parents basement permanently, I guess I should just suck it up.

little jill said...

I actually find a budget quiet liberating. When we moved in with Hy's parents we stopped budgeting and I've bought a crap load of just that-crap. So now I have buyers remorse, but not enough to return it all. I'm stoked to get in my house, tighten down and live frugally. It's hard, but it can be rewarding. The worst part about it for me is not having money for date night.

Jamie said...

The only thing I like about a budget is actually budgeting to save for something I have been wanting.In every other way they stink!!!