"..pride goeth before the fall..."

Yet another statement that proves the bible must be true!!! Pride was my downfall this week at girls camp, and it was the reason that I ate 3 live crickets! Yes, its true, I did say "3" I did say "LIVE" and I did say "CRICKETS"!!!! The whole story is too long to type, but the boiled down version is that I can't backdown from a challenge, no matter how ridiculous! And...for the record...all three crickets were eaten at lightening speed and my opponents were crushed!!! (So, I guess something good came of the whole situation!!!) Anyway, camp was so fun, and boy did I feel like a kid again...that is until all the "kids" I was trying to keep up with could still walk and lift their arms by the end of camp, and I was hobbling around with bruises, torn jeans, a gash in my arm, and a major headache...it stinks to realize that you're not as young as you used to be! We took tons of great photos, here are afew, but I don't have any cricket photos yet!


onehm said...

There is no way I could EVER eat live crickets...anything live, really! WOW! Crazy...

Robin said...

I am sad that I missed out on all the campy fun! I am very impressed by your cricket eating abillities, my gag reflex is simply too strong! Can't wait to see pictures and hopefully the skit video.

little jill said...

Crap dude, that looks like fun. I love camp.

Emichan said...

You go girl! You know, Ashley, you are pretty much the same from when I knew you freshman year... yes we are getting old! And on my goodness, I scream at the sight of crickets... I just can't believe it! It is really great to be in touch again! Emi